Jan 07, 2008 11:11
So, another year dead and gone. How was everyone's break? I find myself lucky, since I was able to get much needed relaxation, and I more than enough fun with my family. For some reason, Ichigo seems to be suddenly hounding me about having guys over and even just being in their general vicinity. It doesn't bother me much, but hell, what would've happened if somebody was like that over Rukia? (Wait...she does have a brother or something, doesn't she?)
I got a bunch of stuff for Christmas, so thanks big bro for all the music stuff, dad for the soccer stuff, and Yuzu for all the little handy dandy cute things you seem to love so much, and then give to me. Gift cards were awesome (Haha Matsumoto, I can't use that gift card that YOU gave me until I'm 18. Seriously though, gag gifts rule) and although I didn't get that ultra-awesome-expensive guitar, it was all good and I enjoyed the holiday. I always seem to get this sentimental whenever the holiday season comes around. Has it been that way since I was little?
This is a new year, which sadly means I'll be working even less probably at the cafe. The first semester wasn't all that bad, but second semester is always much harder. Plus, soccer will be kicking it up a notch soon, and more scouts will look for potentials. I have to practice all I can.
Also, if you can't read the following text, then the message probably isn't for you. Carry on.
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