Mar 14, 2005 16:14
last night was alot of fun.. amanda came over and we went to look for stuff to redo my room. i got a new full length mirror - and my mom let me get the kelly clarkson cd... that was mostly for today so i oculd listen to it during my sergery. after we all went to wills and it was crazyyy.. i had soo much fun there. me becca and jessy were so hyper while everyone was trying to watch Saw.. omg jessy had a banana that was old so it was squishy and all of a sudden we started laughing and she squeezed it i guess and the top flew off and it went allll over her pants lol. soo many other things happened but im too lazy to put them in - its not like any one really reads these things and cares. after amanda kaylee becca and bethany slept over. they left round 12 ish today cuz i had to leave. my mom brought me to starbucks<33 to get a frapp - that was the highlight of my day =]..
then .. i went to get sergery. it was weird - i was awake the whole time but i couldnt feel anything. aw -- when i walked into my room there were flowers on my desk and a balloon on my bed from frankie. he just called me from florida so now im talking to him =] - well im trying to im mumbling bcus i cant really talk but im trying my best lol.
well i gotta do homework just incase i go to school tomarrow..