And she smiled on them

Feb 07, 2010 10:25

Yesterday was an extraordinarily hectic and productive day!

It seems that without knowing it I performed a number of good deeds, such as making a friend's birthday memorable, sending a surprisingly effective note out to friends, treating the kids I babysit to another instalment of Harry Potter, etc. It feels quite good to know that I had a positive effect on people yesterday. Must have been magic in the air.

It has been rainging like nobody's business for the past few days...and I have absolutely adored it. It feels like a total cleansing. The bad energy of the city gets washed away and mental cobwebs are banished.

Whilst babysitting last night I came across a book called Succulent Wild Woman. It was really fantastic and inspired me to try and live a more "juicy", indulgent, luxurious life! I am often very hard on myself and perhaps shouldn't feel so guilty about rewarding myself. I posted the note on facebook but I think I shall post it here again because it is so lovely...

"Being a Succulent Wild Woman"

Buy yourself gorgeous flowers.

Practice extravagant lounging.

Invent your life over if it doesn't feel juicy.

Be delicious.

Eat mangoes naked. Lick the juice off your arms.

Discover your own goodness.

Smile when YOU feel like it.

Be rare, eccentric and original.

Describe yourself as marvelous.

Paint your soul.

Make more mistakes!

Weave your life into a net of love.

You ARE enough, you HAVE enough, you DO enough.

Celebrate your gorgeous friendships with women.

Tell the truth faster.

End blaming.

Dress to please yourself.

Let your creative spirit rush, flow, tumble, leak, spring, bubble, stream & dribble out of you.

Be inwardly outrageous.

Seek out other succulent wild women & encourage the sharing of mutual pleasures.

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