Nov 22, 2004 12:03
So indescribably, unbelievably, incredibly MAD! Seriously right now I want to kick a guy in the balls. I HATE the men in our school...they can't even be classified as MEN! They're nothing more than BOYS! Small and insignificant BOYS! My English teacher decided that we should do a battle of the sexes...there are more boys in my class than girls and they wouldn't stop bitching because the card game...the battle of the sexes was owned by one of the girls on my side. WTF?!?! I got so mad because they kept complaining about how we got the easiest questions and to ask us something about sports! We got sports questions but because Basketball is a guys AND girls sport they said it shouldn't count. Some of the questions were about books and about occupations that primarily a man would do and they complained about that as well. Men aren't JUST about sports they DO other things that should be accounted for. It just made me so mad! Then to make things worse the guys started saying things that made it horrible to be in that class. This one guy told me to go and iron his shirt, then every time that we got something hard right and we cheered they would make fun of us. It's like I wanted to just clear the desks and start throwing blows. Like seriously I thought about getting up and kicking someone in the balls...on more than one occasion. I got a paper wad thrown at me, I got made fun of for making a joke, and I got yelled at for trying to voice my opinion and I was told to shut up several times, even by the teacher. It's like I can't have a verbal fight with them because they kick below the belt they give such sexist, immature remarks that I can't even sink that low to make them feel bad. I didn't tattle on them but I wanted the teacher to know that we were being treated unfairly and to say something. He told me to shut up. he yelled at us for making comments and trying to defend ourselves, and when the guys did the same thing he did NOTHING! I'm sorry but I am NOT the type of girl to let ANY man walk all over me. I. Am. So. Infuriated. I want to hit something or kill something or break something. Preferably on one of the guys in my class. I want to scream, and of course the woman emotions came in and on several occasions I just wanted to break down and cry. I swear to god if they do something like that I am going to throw a book at them and hit them in the face and tell them I hope they die alone and their balls shrivel up and fall off! I don't care if I get in trouble I am so sick of being mistreated because I have a VAGINA! Get over it! People wonder why women become lesbians? There you go! RIGHT. FUCKING. THERE!