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TV/Movie party/bash tonight. Gonna be fun, finally going to see Rob. Maybe make burritos, among other things.
All this needs to make it a terrorist fun event is an unshaved Jason with a deplorable, anti-American agenda. Haha, I keed. Though I did download some 7/10+ Bollywood films.
Even going to play Everway:
Really creative gaming
Intense focus on story
Seriously deep characters
Crazy resolution system
Might make you think you're doing drugs
Kind of makes you pumped for this game, doesn't it. If anyone starts to have seizures or hallucinates/thinks they can fly, I'm breaking out my camera.
All I'd need is an Isa/Jason/Justin combo and it'd be almost as good as old times, just minus the hot tub. Huhuhu.
Excited, hopefully Rob does not throw up on my couch but gets drunk enough to steal curry recipes from. Minus the fact that all Indian boys can't cook.
Drinky, drank drunk.