I want to re-watch Skins just to start watching season 3.
One of the saddest things about Guam is that basically no one else really knows about Battlestar Galactica. I wanted to get my friends caught up so we could all have those nice Frak Parties that happen everywhere else. My friends' page pops up with Michael Hogan pictures so much that I'm just dead jealous. I'm just sad because in only 8 more episodes, my adventure with all my friends comes to an end and I can't have a nice little party over it. Forman suggests IRC as a solution, haha.
Forman makes up for it by having a tête-à-tête about all these Tigh quotes.
His favorite man of SciFi is Picard, he said he'd make his children watch it because Picard is a man's man.
Mine would be Tigh.
Last but not least:
Watched My Bloody Valentine 3-D. The 3-D was really what made the movie, the gore was nice too.
Going to start learing myself some CSS and the mark-up of DIV tables. Also, I want to do one of those "movies I watched in 2009--books I read in 2009," posts by the end of this year. Might get a new blog.