Nov 21, 2007 22:27
"Children begin by loving their parents; as they grow older they judge them; sometimes they forgive them."
-A Picture of Dorian Gray, Ch.5, Oscar Wilde.
What a evening tonight turned into. Started with a argument between my mother and father in which I got involved in (I always do it, and yet always learn the same lesson, don't.) which made a flare but didn't start the fire yet. I always back up my father in any situation, with him being disabled and my mother acting so tyrannical at times I feel I need to help him. But, in order to explain that sentence in better detail I would need to go and talk about my past, which is something which would take atleast a paragraph, but is a paragraph more than I feel like discussing.
Anyhow, problems quickly escalated, with arguments between my mother and I, and ended with her calling one of her "girlfriends" from a group, IFS (internal family services, someone who I have written about in here before), I suppose the person told her to call the police because in turn is exactly what she did. I left the house, not out of fear, but more, well, I'm not really sure. But regardless I left, went down the road and had a few cigarettes while I watched the police patrol and look for me with their lights. After I was done smoking I flagged one of them down and had a calm conversation and went back to my house (in the back of his police car mind you). Returned to the scene and made a statement in which I was very calm, put all blame on me.
That was the night. The police left without saying much, just seemed to make new friends with them due to my calm mood.
Moral of the story: Always be calm.