Any going home recovery tips from fellow c-section mamas? Ugh. I was overly confident and pain free the other day all hooked up to the IV epidural. Umm now that I'm on the Motrin, yeah this pretty much sucks! Just dawning on me the clothes I packed to go home in won't quite work... Maternity yoga pants and semi-cute nursing tee, fitted with ruched sides. Probably too form fitted for this belly binder thing to fit under :/. Hot. I knew I'd still be big and need full maternity clothes, but hadn't predicted the Csection part. Pants seem way wrong to me and I don't have much in the way of loose dresses. :/
Doctors orders were to avoid stairs as much as possible. Should be fun in our row home with no 1st floor bathroom.
But I'm sure I'll get lots of help from Ryan right? The man has finished half of a 1000 page novel in the time we've been here like he's on a holiday. Sleeping through the night like a champ too. No bitterness here though. :)
Other than those details everything is still love and joy with this little guy...seriously, could he be any cuter?! Jimmy visited again today and said he's so excited for us to come home tomorrow. Despite my anxieties about the recovery logistics, I'm also very excited too. I miss our big boy so much. When he came today I swear he looked like a teenager to me. How does that happen? Wish I had more pictures of the two boys together. They've been hard to capture since I'm usually the one holding both boys. Plenty of time for that once we get home I suppose!