Harry Potter7 (minimal spoilers, lots of rants)

Nov 19, 2010 22:15

Thoughts on Harry Potter7 (no major spoilers) I haven't read the book yet. Rotten tomatoes 77 is fair rating for the movie, less if you have no prior connection to the characters, would make it impossible to enjoy the movie at all.

This was in some ways the most mature of the movies, was less quirky delight, but the weak points bug me more in this movie than others.

From a plot perspective, Rowling over reincorporates elements..seems predicable/lazy,  making them nonsequitor when reintroduced in their new context (delaflour and bill), duex es machina in others (e.g. dobby), retconned (snitch+memory,dumbledoors lighter) but perhaps this is why she is so successful when so many perhaps better authors fail to have any commercial success?

Elder wand being unbeatable...well then why didn't Albus whip Voldemorts butt with it when they fought? Invisibility cloak being the one Harry already owns...just seems too convient. The deathly hallows symbol being in a kids tale yet them never seeing the symbol before ...is like us not knowing what an ankh, or peace symbol is.

I did like how the magic has matured resembling something like wielding power tools. Things can go wrong, people can get hurt in the process.

The movie budget and I assume amount of detail meant new elements felt like getting hitting with a disposable hammer.  It's like "Hey look at this this is important!" "Hey look at me"  have it get lost, then have to go search for it ages, find it and then it's no longer relevant.. Need another chapter? just add another layer of these on top, swap out the names.

I do love the core arc of horcruxes, however it's been said that Voldemort has killed many people, it's never made clear why there aren't more of them, and how any were created accidentally.

Everybody dies.  Well not quite but it does feel a bit like beneath the magic cloaks they are the unnamed ensign with the red shirt in Start Trek.

Parts of the movie felt incoherent, the battle scene with Harry + Hagrid vs Voldemort. Hunh?

Kids fighting and winning against adults ...let alone those who are "olympians" has never made much sense to me, but perhaps that's why it's popular, as kids (don't we all?) want to feel some control/power when vastly outmatched.
Malfoy from all his hatred and arrogance earlier in the series seems turned into a big pussy.

Hedwig has never been established as an attack bird, duex es birdah...why now?

Why was the Weasleys house ever considered a safe place? Would seem like one of the first places to look out. It was clear from prior attacks they knew where it was and from a strategic perspective one of the hardest to defend sitting in the middle of the field, also in the 2nd movie it was by a grove of trees, in later it was in the middle of nowplace.

Harry jumping into a pool with a big ass bling cursed necklace on, especially diving down? WTF? wouldn't this be as important as his glasses to keep. Jumping into an icy pond solo, where is the safety buddy system. Why was Delores of all people wearing it? Why was wearing it necessary at all for any of them?!!? was it going to go someplace?. Especially given the mood altering (very LOTR)

Why would the sword not respond to accio? it worked on the firebolt when it was miles away... How did it get there in the first place? Where did it go after.

When did Dobby go from annoying brat to huge heart, and Kreature from vindictive to command accepting, especially of a halfblood like Harry (did Sirius pass the house to Harry in a will?)

The opening of the horcurx...when did Harry suddenly get this ability after beating his head against trying to destroy it earlier? and putting his closest friend into the high risk destroyer seemed out of character from what they establish early in the movie, when he's willing to go on his own to protect them.

A world of magic, ghosts, limbo yet still rooted in christianity, is either brilliant marketing or a cop out.

harry potter 7, hp7

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