PC has been somewhat flakey lately, I think it's probably related to running out of space. As a result went through another data destruction rollercoaster.
Life has been busy as ever, in addition to the normal tech treadmill, been taking some marketing and business dev classes to help flush out my weaknesses in product development. I like to create cool stuff, but there is no way to keep playing if they don't support themselves, and there's no way to make money if nobody knows about them.
For the school coursework, I've been using ShadowPlan (an outliner), to help me organize some of the information, and unify them. Since some of the courses are audio interviews, conversational, and I demand structure, it's the only way for me to get much actionable out of it. In addition I use it as my todo list across many projects. Entries are terse and simple, here's four entries (the body of which are omitted).
*analytics for
download page** Google References.
** Issues
*** IE
*** Firefox
I'm obsessive about getting everything I need to remember and manage that's text, into it, as it's the only way I can keep track of everything (I track a massive amount of info). These text files have been in existance for years, growing like a wiki (weed?) and now they are large. 1.73MB of xml, 668KB of self goals, 1.42MB of todo. Since PC has been flakey, somehow in shutting down, saving them wiped out half of two critical ones I use almost continuously. Imagine my surprise and confusion "your brain has been corrupted". In my coursework represents probably 120 hours of study and refinement, I have mastered yet, and unknown countless hours of discovery, ideas, research etc. Months?
Initially I thought the damage was minor, until I opened it up one of the files in a text editor and realized how much was gone off the bottom. I know now what a stroke must feel like. Knowing the information was there but..not knowing what it exactly was.
Fast forward, the local backups were ancient, I realized I had to turn off the local backups, ironically: saving the work was interfering with work. Grrr...my bad. Then I tried to open jungledisk running quietly in the background...and it wouldn't open the remote drive. Fuck Fuck Fuck! I figured this might be my fault too, the version of jungledisk was a few versions old, and I had been told to upgrade. Fast Forward: Turned out that the hard disk cleanup was consuming all the CPU and just had to be patient, for JungleDisk to pop up. As told, it backed up everything nightly,. and deftly was able to restore at least these two files within a minute or so, leaving my research right where I left it. Wouldn't that be cool if only the physical world operated like this?
Thanks again
P.S. I don't make any money off them.
P.P.S. 2500MB free space now woot! Thanks Windows Disk Cleanup Utility