Apr 07, 2007 18:56
I didn't read email any '2nd class' email for a few months, so my inbox filled up to around 3500 unread messages. Today, I cleaned it up, moving the ones I thought I'd like to read to a different folder, deleting the rest, at the end 140 messages of the 3500 made it, 4% signal to noise when viewed at the quarter year timeframe, yet on an hour by hour basis it all seems like 100% relevance.
Relatedly, as an 'abstract' thinker I prefer to read discussions in email in this fashion, I'm more interested in the conclusions, and branches of arguments than the drama in how they were formed. I notice I do the same thing in many live discussions, silently actively listening, like eating a fish, stripping away the bones/structure from the flesh for later, consuming irretrievably the rest.