What about 1John 1:9

Dec 30, 2011 13:45

What about 1John 1:9

Joseph Prince
Notes by
Stephen Ingraham

Peter, James and John are called to preach to the Jews.
Paul was called to preach to the Gentiles.
Paul wrote 3/4ths of the New Testament.
And he never mention about confessing your sins one time.

If confessing your sins is as important as those advocates of 1John 1:9 then Paul has done all of us an injustice.

If Paul was preaching 1John 1:9 to the believer he would have mention it elsewhere.
Paul did not mention it in the book of Romans, Galatians, not in the book of Colossians, not in the book of Thessalonians.

No were do you find Paul telling the believer to confess there sin.
Never !
Paul him self never confessed the sins of the church.

You know the Old Testament people the Jewish people like to confes there sins because they were under the law and the law makes them sin conches.
Even Moses confessed the sins of the Israel.
Even David the palmists confessed the sins of Israel.
Even Daniel confessed the sins of Israel of my fathers and fore fathers.

Notice that Paul never confessed the sins of the church he was writing to.
All his prayers were recorded for us.
His prayers were filled with, God fill you with all knowledge to know what you have.
It was always God give you the spirit of wisdom to know what you have.
God give you wisdom and knowledge and understanding to know what you already have.

One thing we already have is forgiveness of sin.

If not
If you who hold up 1John 1:9 even now if you have a bad thought about me.
Have you confessed that ?
If not you are out of fellowship.

No church it is not written to the believer.

Why does it say to confess your sins ?
We will come back to this.

Look at Paul’s letters again.
When ever Paul finds sin in the church Paul says for example.
The Corinthian there were some believers going to the temple prostitutes which was the practice in those days and it was part of there pagan worship.
That’s right some believers were going to the temple prostitutes.
Now this is a fine time for Paul to tell them to confess there sin.

But Paul never said that.

What he did say is what don’t you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.


He reminds them of what they have.

Has Paul done to them an injustice if confession of sin is so important?
To make them right with God Paul should have told them to confess there sin.
But what he does say don’t you know that you body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
He tells them what they already have.
In one letter brother was suing another brother in civil court.
Paul says he guys what are you doing brother suing brother in front of unbelievers.
Are there no wise men to arbitrate among you ?
What don’t you know that you will judge Angels and you can not judge the affairs of life ?

In another place don’t you know all things are yours?
That you are truly rich in Christ.
With Paul it always is don’t you know, don’t you know, don’t you know.

He should have said confess your sins.
He did not !
Has Paul done the church an injustice ?
In all of his inspired writings he did not breath confess our sins one time.

Maybe Paul new about 1John 1:9 ?
Paul’s letters were written before 1John 1:9.
When John wrote 1John 1:9 was in AD 90 to AD 94
Paul first letters were written in AD 50’s.
His first letter was written to Thessalonians.
The church was born AD 33
The church was born at Pentecost.

Now the church has been without 1John 1:9 for more than 50years because John wrote this in about AD 90.
We have hind sight and can look back to 1John 1:9.
If you lived in AD 55 when Paul wrote his letters and you sin what do you do ?
Look to 1John 1:9 to stay in fellowship.
But 1John 1:9 has not been written.
All you have is Paul’s letters that say we have forgiveness of sin accordingly to the riches of His grace.
That is what you have.

The church was without this teaching for about 50yrs.

If you believe that a believer must confess their sins to be forgiven and God will not bless them and they are out of fellowship, isn’t it strange that when Jesus appeared after the resurrection the ladies saw Him first and went back to the apostles in the upper room, hey the Lord has risen and what did the men say ?
They did not believe them.

That is wrong very wrong they did not believe in the resurrection.
Jesus told them time and time again that he would rise from the dead and they did not believe.
The Ladies came as eye witnesses and they did not believe.
They were hiding with the doors shut for fear of the Jews.
They were hind because of fear.
Question ?
Is fear a sin ?
Fear is sin because look in the book of Revelations at the groups of people thrown into the lake of fire.
The first two groups the fearful and the second one the unbelieving.

Don’t worry this is not for fearful believers.
There will be no holy smoking for you.

God hates fearful and unbelief.
Long before murderers and war mongers and abomination.

As believers we do not go into the lake of fire.

Most of us who believe in 1John 1:9 do not confess our fears.
You confess the big ones and forget about fear and unbelief.
The reason people steel is fear and unbelief.

Why were the apostles hiding?
For fear of the Jews.
Then Jesus appeared in the mist of them in Hisw resurrection body.
And He said to them confess your sins.
Because they are fearful and they did not believe the resurrection.
But Jesus appears in the mist of them and said Hi guys chill.


Why is Jesus acting like they did not sin?
Should He have told them confess your sin and turned away.
Why didn’t He say confess is because He did not impute their sin to them.
His first word to them and to us is peace
He showed them the foundation of why they can have peace.
He showed them His hands and His feet and His side and that is why they and we can have peace.
Then the disciples were glad.
Now they have peace and joy.
Peace comes when you know that your sins are forgiven.
Joy comes when you have a revelation from the Lord.
It is a wonderful testimony for a Christian love joy and peace.

It is not what you have on the outside but what you have on the inside love joy and peace.

By the way somebody was absent from this upper room that day.
It was Thomas.
The disciples told Thomas that the Lord had risen and he did not believe unless I see the prints in his hands and touch the wound in His side I will not believe He is risen.

Now that is unbelief in the most important doctrine the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Now Jesus appeared when Thomas was there and said Thomas get out of here sinner.


Jesus made a bee line to Thomas.
The one who sins the most needs most grace.
Jesus did say to Thomas feel the prints in My hands and the wound in my side.

I am sure that Thomas confessed yes Thomas did confess.
My Lord and my God and that is what he confessed.

Jesus did not impute unbelief unto Thomas because He paid it all.
Do you understand He paid it all ?

Your peace is not within yourself.
The reason for your peace is outside yourself in the person of Jesus Christ and what He did.
He showed His hands and side because this is the foundation of your peace perfect settled peace.

If you look inside you will never find perfect peace because your inside change.
Look outside to Jesus who will never change.
His love for you will never change.
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