I discovered melatonin pills, on Friday. As a result, I have slept better, this weekend, than in previous weeks...Oh Hell...Months...Apparently, electronics sap the body's natural melatonin levels, so be sure to turn off electronics, before bedtime
...As much as possible, anyway...
Because I have recently gotten the sweet, sweet taste, of restful sleep, I can feel It calling me, strongly, yet again...Thus, I will merely highlight certain points..
Ok...But first, here's a random, yet somewhat relevant picture...
Wocka wocka wocka wocka wocka wocka wocka wocka BOOOOOP!
Now...On to the recap...
Friday: No practice, after work. I went home. Watched a little tellie. Slept
Saturday: Took roomies to Train Station, at 8 am. slept. watched pup. Went to Swing Dance Class, with Maureen. Learned some sweet moves (a little East Coast, but mostly West). Dropped Maureen off. Got dinner at Beulahland. Visited my friend, Shala. Watched an episode of Buffy:TVS (from last season). Went home. Fed animals. Watched a little tellie (again). Took a melatonin. Slept like a rock.
Sunday: Slept in. Fed animals. took a nap. watched a little tellie (yet again). Oh, I forgot. I messed around, on my Computer (as I had, the last two nights, and failed to mention). Roommates came home, from Seattle. Looked at kiisu's sweet new car. Picked up Mo, after grabbing sammies, from Best Baguette. Had a fairly lengthy practice, where we worked on the same covers, including an updated version, of Homosapien, which sounds amazing (Mo outdid himself, yet again). Worked on four of the five originals, from previous weeks...
Oh yeah...And we wrote this little gem, entitled "Gag Me With A Spoon". Mo came up with the melodies, early in the day, as he was subconsciously inspired, by classical works, from the 1980's as well as the 1870's. Needless to say, we was concerned, that I would be unappreciative, of his "masterpiece du fromage". Always willing to rise, to an occasion, I whipped up, a little esoteric yarn, about buying the ugliest shirt imaginable, from a shopping mall, in the 80's. It is chock full of cheesy 80's references, and is a fitting ode, to Julie Brown...As well as TMBG, Zappa and Flying Lizards, to name a few...
So without further adieu...I present, for those who haven't seen it, yet...
Click to view
Yes...It is, hands-down, the silliest thing, I've ever been a part of...And well
...I frickin' love it. I love it so much, that It's been stuck in my head, all day long, and I even wrote a final chorus, which is super-cheesy, as well. If even half of you, enjoyed that, half as much, as I did co-creating it, then...
All in all,we worked on 8 of 9 songs, that we have completed, in some fashion, and only 4 of those, are covers, with a few more, on deck...Stay tuned...We also have two other original songs, floating about, in their embryo stages, as well..
Soon, we will work on recording, and refining material, for future shows. No dates or places, are imminent, yet, but we are still on pace, for late Spring...
Ok...Let's wrap this up...
Monday: Work was really slow, today. Not much, to do, with government offices closed, and such. Did a lot of hanging out, at base, waiting for orders. Got a chance, to clock out super early, but I passed, in attempt to make up, for lost time, last week (being that sick, will destroy my paycheck). Still got home, earlier than usual. Fed my cat. Watched Top Gear. fell asleep. did chores.
And BOOM! Here we are! We're the Princes of the Universe! (Queen...Sorry)
Well, It is almost time, for Terminator: Sarah Conner Chronicles, so I will sign off, with a quote, from T2...
"I know now...Why you cry...But it is something...I could never DO..."
That is all *EXTERMINATE! DELETE DELETE!" - Daleks Vs. Cybermen