Oblivion and The Iron Man 3

May 06, 2013 22:32


A shameful ruin of the human shape.

Sci-fi is the new gothic.

You know those black - and-white images where the white in the middle is a vase, but if you concentrate on the black surrounding it, you see two faces? It’s like “the human shape”: it’s a puzzle piece, a “yin and yan”, a bricolage of animal and human. Yet “human” is not a puzzle piece, it’s the ensemble of all the pieces, so to deny one’s animality is to deny one’s own humanity.

So the ideal iron - men are not human, and Moreau’s ideal is not human (pain as beastly), it’s some kind of a cyborg.

The Iron Man, corps morcellé becoming whole, and the protagonist finally destroys the pieces and becomes himself, no longer dependent on them.

Anthropomorphising the machine, but only when it’s breaking down/low in power.

People “evolving” to these fire-hybrids (after a great amount of pain).

Body/being as a machine and “hacking” the genetic code.

Being as information. “The selfish megabyte”.

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