Jun 13, 2004 21:58
saw the newest harry potter flick and it was good. Hermione's hot, Harry is accomplished, and Ron's rat bit him. was wicked good funny cheerio...and mayhaps i shall read through the fifth book completely...but i do start 4 weeks of utter hell tomorrow. i mean the class is 1/4 over as of thursday, but it's still 8:30 to 2:30....which completely sucks ass. still no jobbie.....i suppose i could break down and work A&P's graveyard shift, saw a sign out front yesterday. what a wicked game you play, to make me feel this way. i went to Circuit City cause they were supposed to be having a major DVD sale...but as it turns out, it was one bin with prices higher than expected. however, because i'm a bad person, i bought two for 20 bucks anyways in a package: fight club and the transporter, so it wasn't a complete loss. ummmm.....*in the most mundane and annoying AOL voice i can muster* Goodbye.