OOC Boredom

Mar 20, 2008 15:22

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1) Is magisternegi in a relationship? not that I know of
2) What color should doc_uzuki dye their hair? It's fine the way it is.
3) Is chaos_yeshua an emo? I highly doubt that
4) One quality you find attractive in ranfujimiya_aya? I'm not sure I know him well enough to answer
5) What comic book character would child_of_luv be? I have no idea
6) Is child_of_luv a college student? No, she's not
7) Would you ever date sandrockpilot04? More than that. We are married
8) Is white_testament introverted or extroverted? Given the trouble he is causing, I would say extroverted
9) Would lyms_knight and 3rdbeat_rose look good together? I don't think so
10) If not_a_xman had a superpower, what would it be? ... He already is a powerful telekinetic. He doesn't need anymore
11) Is gold_wind related to you? As interesting and horribly scary as that would be...no.
12) One thing you can't stand about priestmiroku? I don't know him well enough to say for sure
13) If shortylikeed commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? Some would say the short people of the world
14) Would ranfujimiya_aya be a better ninja or pirate? ninja. He almost is one already
15) How would mame_juu kill relena_dorlan? A shotgun from what I've heard though I hope she wouldn't
16) Where would wildmildchild most like to visit? The cafe or the hangar.
17) Do you think flame_101 is hot? Only in the fact that he is the flame alchemist
18) What mental disorder does ribbonfighter remind you of? I can't think of one
19) Would you set up chibicrawfish and gold_wind? Not at all
20) Is dark_telepath 1337? ... No.
21) What animal should shinigami_15 be combined with? cat?
22) Would you wrestle gaignun_jr in jello? ... This question is stupid and doesn't need to exist.
23) Where was chaos_n_havoc born? Somewhere
24) How long would vkandis_herald dating ladyof_twilight last? I have no idea
25) Where was greenpearlvoice born? Her home world I'd guess
26) What word best describes mame_juu? Uhhh... Tempermental
27) Could you see ranfujimiya_aya and gundams_ally together? No
28) Did punkboycsi break up with you? We never dated
29) What is relena_dorlan allergic to? Nothing that I know of
30) What rank would sniper_luver have in a giant robot army? I have no idea, but she's be the first to sign up.
31) Are shortylikeed and duo02shinigami going out? No.
32) What exotic animal would shortylikeed like as a pet? I have no idea
33) Is shinigami_15 your best friend? No.
34) If greenpearlvoice was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? I don't know.
35) How would child_of_luv conquer the world? With love?
36) Do you have a crush on punkboycsi? No.
37) Has noble_thirteen dyed their hair? No.
38) Has noble_thirteen been to your house/dorm? Yes.
39) If sandrockpilot04 and gundams_ally were spliced together, what would it be like? Horribly, horribly weird
40) Are priestmiroku and chibicrawfish going steady? No.
41) If juuou_zelas were hanging off a cliff, what would greenpearlvoice do? She'd probably save her since she doesn't know her, but Zelas hanging off a cliff wouldn't happen.
42) Does rebornfirefly go to your school? I don't go to school
43) What is wildmildchild's favorite game? I'm not sure
44) If chibicrawfish and relena_dorlan were siamese twins where would they be joined? No idea
45) guardian_pluto's hair color? Green
46) What would you do if you found out chaos_yeshua has a crush on you? I would be worried
47) Have you ever dated dark_telepath? NO!!!!!
48) What is rebornfirefly's favorite color? purple
49) What is triforceblade's favorite band/artist? I have no idea, but probably not anything that involves electricity to power the instrument
50) What do you disagree with geass_prince about? A lot.
51) What song/movie would you recommend to white_testament? Horror?
52) What would jonwolfen give sniper_luver for his/her birthday? A cake
53) What animal does sniper_luver remind you of? I don't know
54) Where did you first meet taijiya_hime? I don't know if I have.
55) Does chaos_n_havoc have a big secret? Most likely
56) Do preventerwind06 and priestmiroku go to the same school? Neither of them go to school
57) What is chibicrawfish's favorite food? I don't know.
58) What planet should zoidian_devil be from? ...I think her home world is fine.
59) Is priestmiroku athletic? I don't know
60) What do you agree with gaignun_jr about? Board meetings are annoying
61) Does gracefulsea do drugs? No.
62) Is 15year_princess friends with flame_101? I don't think so.
63) What would you do if zero_suit died? I have no idea since she hasn't died
64) What languages does shortylikeed speak? Not many
65) Does zoidian_devil have a crush on white_testament? No
66) Is heerowing01 a nerd? Yes...of course he is
67) Is shortylikeed dead sexy? ...
68) Does shinigami_15 drink? I don't know
69) Have you flirted with gundams_ally? No
70) Does 3rdbeat_rose know sandrockpilot04? Yes
71) Would flame_101 and magisternegi make a good couple? Not at all
72) Which of your friends should priestmiroku go out with? I have no idea
73) vkandis_herald's eye color? I don't know
74) Would you make out with flame_101? He's married...and so am I
75) What is duo02shinigami's biggest flaw? He leaps before he looks
76) Does chaos_yeshua have a dog? No
77) Is 15year_princess single? Yes
78) Would magisternegi go out with automailgeek? I don't think he would
79) Is sch_beiker a high school student? No
80) Does sch_beiker smoke? I don't think so
81) How long have you known relena_dorlan? A couple of years
82) What is gaignun_jr's shoe size? No idea
83) If gaignun_jr took over the world, who would be happy? At the very least, Uranus and Duo
84) What is shortylikeed's favorite movie? Don't know
85) What flavor of jello would gaignun_jr be? I have never even considered that.
86) How tall is abbsoluteabby? I haven't met her yet.
87) What video game does shortylikeed remind you of? I don't know.
88) If lyms_knight took over the world, who would suffer? Her enemies
89) Which president would dark_telepath be likely to idolize? Nixon. "I am not a crook."
90) Are juuou_zelas and punkboycsi married? Noooooo...
91) Is sniper_luver popular? I don't know.
92) Does relena_dorlan travel a lot? She does in our home universe
93) How many monkeys could sch_beiker fight at once and win against? Uhh...no idea.
94) Is zero_suit related to vkandis_herald? No
95) Do you have wildmildchild's screenname? It's right there so yes.
96) What would sniper_luver do differently in your shoes? If it was during the war, blow up enemies indiscriminately?
97) Thoughts on juuou_zelas? I don't particularly like her
98) What would child_of_luv think of shortylikeed? I don't know.
99) When did you last call chaos_n_havoc? I never have and I never will because that is inviting pain
100) If heerowing01 and preventerwind06 were spliced together, what would be its name? Zechso?
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