Holiday Ficlet #2: "Lost Along The Way" [BSG]

Dec 02, 2011 19:49

Title: Lost Along The Way
Characters: Gaeta, Tigh
Wordcount: ~ 500 words
Summary: They have more things in common than Tigh will ever know.
Author's Note: For lls-mutant. Teen. S4.

Lost Along The Way

"Do you know where my eye is?

Felix had despised the Colonel for that question, in those dark days after New Caprica that he would always remember as more despaired and hopeless than the occupation itself could ever have been. It had haunted him, a little voice in the back of his mind reminding him that it had been his fault what had happened to Tigh because he could have helped if he'd just risked a little bit more, put himself a little further on the line. But for most part he'd been angry, angry that he felt a sense of responsibility for the Colonel when Tigh had never felt one for him, angry about who the frak that man thought he was.

A failure as an officer. A drunk. Felix had used to have a lot of respect for Colonel Tigh, underneath his pity for the man, for his experience and that skill of never forgetting about anybody that Adama sourly lacked. But that had been before New Caprica.

He refused to sleep even after Cottle sawed off his leg, wide awake and more exhausted by the minute at the same time, numb and temporarily crazy and in oh so much pain. He giggled, a couple of times, in the moments between verses, giggled and hiccuped. He'd rediscovered joy in the middle of despair.

"Do you know where my leg is?" he wanted to call after Tigh when he saw the Colonel striding through the med bay, checking up on the Gods knew who but not on him.

Thrace and Anders were back on duty - had never even been suspended. Felix knew that much and he wanted to giggle again because the world was flowing around him, nicely, going on, his leg the only thing that had been left behind.

Tigh was walking past again on his way out, but he'd turned his blind side towards Felix and he couldn't have seen him even if he'd tried.

"Do you know where my eye is?"

Sorry, sir, I don't. But how about you ask Longshot, sir. It's in his area of expertise.

Tigh would occur to Felix again two weeks later when he'd sit on his bunk, closing his eyes against the relief of yet another dose of morpha shooting into his veins. Louis was worried about addiction; maybe Felix and the Colonel should start a club. It was ironic, really was, but the time for laughter was long over, so his chuckle became a hiccup became tears.

I know exactly where your eye is, Saul, Felix thought, except that wasn't making sense. Nothing was making all that much sense nowadays.

A minute, and the pain would be gone.

He'd lost a couple of things of his own.

genre: dark/angst, bsg fic, gaeta

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