Crossposting BSG drabbles

Jan 03, 2011 02:01

Written for the Secret Hobbies Challenge (so far):

Holodecks (Star Trek/BSG - Racetrack & Skulls)

Quiet Your Mind, Change Your Life (Leoben)

Dexterity (Lee Adama, Ellen Tigh)

Late-Night Disclosure (Hot Dog & pilots)

And crossposting my example drabble:

Title: Air Rage
Characters: Baltar, Gaeta
Warnings: nah

After New Caprica, Felix found the sketchbook amongst Baltar's notes. He just stared at it for a moment, hot fury boiling up.

On the opened page, one very enraged, very tiny Tigh was chasing a manically laughing Starbuck through the CIC. Air Rage, the caricature's caption said.

“Ah, you know,” Baltar had said, unusually bashful, when Felix had first found it. “You start doodling in first semester. Two doctorates later... well.”

He'd thought it was so cute.

Before he could help it, Felix grabbed the sketchbook and hurtled it into a corner.

Nothing about it had ever been cute.

ellen tigh, hot dog, bsg fic, baltar, genre: fluff/humor, drabble, gaeta

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