because one meme isn't enough

Aug 04, 2009 11:33

Taken from puszisty.

I'll post the first line of all my full-length fics. You choose one and comment with a drabble/ficlet starting with the same line, unrelated to the original story. Ready? Go!

I added a couple ficlet/drabble openers for variety.

I wrote a Gaeta drabble for tin here, and a Tigh drabble for puszisty there. Both are short and cracky.

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bsg fic, drabble, gaeta

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Happy Belated Birthday! millari August 11 2009, 04:18:57 UTC
Sorry I missed it, and this may not be your ideal gift, but it's funny where the muse takes you.

Winters on Aerelon are frakking cold.

Sharon's mind tells itself this over and over - a mantra repeated endlessly in the hopes that it will somehow transform into a memory, an amalgamation of perceptions of the dozen or so winters Sharon "Boomer" Valerii spent every year on Aerelon, visiting her grandparents for the holidays.

An amalgamation of perceptions and memories that don't exist, because none of them are real.

Sharon Valerii is nothing but a computer running programs, loops of code that tell her she is from a small moon of Aerelon called Troy, that she misses chocolate chip cookies and especially her parents, except that she doesn't, because they never existed.

Her parents, that is. They were a lie. She wonders briefly about the chocolate chip cookies.

As she sits in her cell, still reeling from the places Colonel Tigh hit her, still trying to remember unholstering her gun and shooting Commander Adama, she wonders why if she is nothing but a set of loops, why isn't there code to shut off her pain receptors? Why is she programmed to feel horribly guilty for what she did? It makes little sense if she is a Cylon. Why isn't there a loop that tells her that these humans are her mortal enemies so she can lie down - her mission finished - and be done with her so-called life?

They bring in Galen in cuffs. The first thing he does is stare at her for the longest time, as if trying to process an entirely new understanding of her and then of them. As he slides his body down the bars of the cell into a sitting position on the floor, she watches his body stiffen from flaccid, flailing confusion at first to finally, cold hard lines of decision. She knows all hope is lost when she recognizes the scowl in his eyes, the one he always gets when he can't figure out why the hell a Viper's malfunctioned. A shiver runs through her, and the loop in Sharon's programming repeats itself yet again, like a voice from the Gods only she can hear.

Winters on Aerelon are frakking cold.


Re: Happy Belated Birthday! trovia August 11 2009, 17:07:53 UTC
Aww this is great! Thank you so much! It's such an interesting moment in Boomer's story (it's just before her story stopped making sense to me, too- I was actually a huge fan of Boomer before Cally shot her. She was the first thing that made me love the show). I love how you have her muse on her programming. It's naive in a way and still it's very preminiscent of her future relationship with Cavil. All the more ironic that Tyrol is a Cylon, too. He was so pointedly human at that time. Then again, so was Boomer.


Re: Happy Belated Birthday! millari August 12 2009, 23:01:13 UTC
I'm so glad you liked it. I was interested in Boomer too, especially during the buildup to her shooting Adama. It seemed so horribly unfair that this was happening to her. I feel like Athena kind of stole her life, you know?

I hadn't even thought of the Cavil connection, to be honest, but you're totally right. It's exactly the kind of thing he would have said, and probably did say to her once they were together (still WTF-ing about *that* one).

Yeah, I loved writing the part with Tyrol. I love me some heartbreaking irony. ;)


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