Title: Back to Earth
troviaPairings: Helo/Gaeta, Helo/Sharon. Can be read with the occasional Gaeta/Baltar undertones if you're so inclined.
Genre: It's a gen story overall but with some slash and het b-plot. So it's kind of a gen hybrid. Decide for yourself if that's to your liking.
Rating: PG-13 for some sex, PTSD, bad language in the face of
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Comments 16
A lot of wannabe-writers would have stuffed this chapter into a few paragraphs, but you stretched it. And in a good way, too. You turned this scenes from just being there into being alive. You showed us emotions and the limits of human life. Gaeta, Helo and Sharon are humans after all (even if Sharon is technically a cylon). They aren't robots and they can only do so much, before breaking down. And I've got this feeling, that this special breaking point isn't that far away. And considering that they have a lot to carry already, even if they wouldn't have had this crisis now, I think this breaking point will be there to soon and this whole thing will blow up in their faces in the worst of moments.
I really like how this story turns out and I hope, there will be more soon.
Damn, I used too many words then :D.
Thank you very much :). You're right that there's a lot of strain on these three and their relationships are a mess. I'll try to expand on that in later chapters, of course. :D
Heh, that moment between Gaeta and Helo was most definitely inspired by your story. :) I think as well that all kinds of relationships between the two of them are possible. I'm not sure there's gonna be more interaction between them though, I'm afraid. Gaeta is going to be very busy.
I love how the experience levels are contrasting sharply between Zarek and the Galactica kids (because in so many ways, they are kids), but you know that Zarek isn't really THAT much more experienced- just better at faking it.
Very true. When I wrote that scene I kept thinking, while Zarek must seem quite intimidating for the three of them, he doesn't really know what to do either. He can't even judge the quality of a plan, not being military, and I think he's very aware of the little amount of leeway he has here.
I like normal Helo better, too, and I consider The Woman King to be a bad hair day. So glad he's working for you. Thanks again!
And that should have been Zarek, of course, not Helo.
Best part for me so far, though, is your getting into Gaeta and Helo's thoughts. Nicely done.
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