Title: Spin Control
Pairings: Finnick/Haymitch, Kat/Peeta
Characters: Finnick, Haymitch, Chaff, Peeta, Gale, Kat; plus appearances by Mags, Johanna, Caesar Flickerman, President Snow, Effie, Claudius Templesmith, Beetee, Prim, Thresh, Rue, District Twelve ensemble and various OC
Rating: adult
Warnings: forced prostitution & non-con; people dealing
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The Capitol liked watching the human interest stories in carefully administered, small doses; they digested them with the same ease and enthusiasm that Finnick’s starved, thirteen-year-old Seam tribute devoured his eight protein shakes a day. Spending two hours caring about an alcoholic made people feel selfless, more justified in going back to cheering for the dying district kids.
It's all of both Finnick and my cynicism and bitterness about society's uselessness condensed in two sentences. I feel that it goes to the core of what the HG trilogy is all about, and what Collins wanted it to be about. (after all, she said she came up with the idea when she was zapping through TV stations and seeing war reports and talent shows next to each other. My belief that she hates what was done to her story by fandom (and editing and the movies) but decided to shut up and take the money was cemented when she gave that rare commentary about how THG isn't a love story at all, but a war story, confusing all the shippers ;))
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