Holiday Ficlet #13: "Anything But A Good Idea" [X-Men/ER]

Dec 13, 2011 16:07

Title: Anything But A Good Idea
Fandoms: ER/X-Men Movieverse
Characters: Ray Barnett, Neela Rasgotra, John Carter, Scott Summers (Ray/Neela)
Wordcount: 600 words (6 drabbles)
Summary: Five times Ray thought of Westchester and one time he didn't.
AN: For a prompt by scribble_myname. I know you don't know ER, so let me tell you that these are almost all scenes from canon. I hope it's not too confusing.

Anything But A Good Idea

The fourth day of his internship finds Ray camping out on County's roof with his guitar in hand while his new boss tells him no, he can't keep living up here. Ray can't say he's terribly surprised.

"I heard about your son," he hears himself say. "That's gotta be hard."

"Thank you," Dr. Carter says softly, staring at the fireworks exploding above them in beautiful fury.

Carter doesn't ask why Ray can't afford his apartment anymore, and Ray isn't as stupid as to offer.

I don't need their money anymore, he thinks.

So that's finally done.

Happy Fourth of July.


Living with Rasgotra is like college all over again except for the lack of X-Men missions in-between. Ray "forgets" to clean the bathroom constantly, while Neela steals his cereal in the middle of the night. He'll freely admit - except to her - that he loves every bit.

"Gonna visit my mom in LA," he lies easily, stuffing clothes in his bag. "My uncle's visiting from Mexico and she wants us to meet."

Engaged, for fuck's sake. Scott and Jean are engaged.

"You're so full of shit," Neela says and shakes her head at him fondly.

Every single fucking bit.


A fucking passenger jet has crashed into a block on the east side. The ER is in chaos, and when a call comes in for a medic to do a field amputation, Clemente doesn't let him go.

"They need someone with experience!" Greg shouts on his way out.

Adrenaline is coursing through Ray's chest. He could help. He could block the debris and the fire with ease.

It's the first time that he's thought to use his powers in years.

It can't have to do with the fact that Neela's out there.

Even if he can't breathe until she's back.


They almost-cuddle on the sofa while Gus Hansen wins the World Poker Tour. It takes half the night. The roomie watches avidly, head resting on his shoulder, Ray's hand almost on her back.

Ray feels oddly relaxed, and comfortable, like his life has started making sense.

I should tell her, he suddenly thinks.

But they've grown close because she doesn't know.

He should have killed you. He should--

"What?" Neela mutters, half asleep.

"Nothing," he says, fighting the tension down by force of will.

His hand moves down to feel her spine after a while, almost not trembling anymore.


She moved out. She actually moved out.

"We both know why."

The damn shirt still clutched in his hand, Ray screams - actually screams - "Fuck!" - and kicks the damn couch, making it slide across the room. But he just feels worse.

Ten minutes later the phone is pressed against his ear and it's ringing... ringing...

"This better be good," says Scott's sleepy voice.

"Hey Slim," Ray says with forced cheer. "It's been a while."

Listening to Westchester's latest, he tries to recall all of Xavier's dreams to remind himself how it's good that she's gone.

It doesn't work.


The morning before the wedding, Ray wakes up to the sound of his cell.

Muttering a curse, he reaches out and blinks at the display.

Neela's name is blinking back.

You better dance with me tonight, the message says.

Stretching and slowly waking up, Ray feels a smirk appearing on his face.

This, he thinks. This is my life.

Two days from now, the ER will reopen and everything will still be way better than anything he's ever planned. That much he knows. He's a pretty good doctor now, too. It's working out.

Damn right I will, he writes back.

genre: action/mission, crossover fic, x-men fic, genre: romance, allegiance, e.r. fic

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