Jul 15, 2010 02:00
- 09:21 Listening to UAB and hit on the Alien Encounter preshow from Disney World. It features the awesomeness of Tim Curry. I approve!
- 10:33 You know, Lit Brick doesn't have many readers, but I sure love the ones I've got.
- 10:33 I mean, where else can I crack wise about Northanger Abbey and have people actually get the joke?
- 12:34 Working on a spiffier Lit Brick site. Looks nifty so far.
- 13:36 Hmm. Despite this being a pretty simple site, it's taking a while to redesign. Curse my somewhat limited knowledge of CSS!
- 13:57 Dear Guy with the PW Ad with Black Text and a Thick Red Stroke: My eyes hurt enough without you helping.
- 14:26 I'm gonna have to actually make the comic now as opposed to making this site. Bollocks.
- 15:25 Quick, somebody ask @Shortpacked if he knows any trustworthy sites that sell Transformers comics.
- 15:37 This site is starting look markedly better than the old one: litbrick.com/index%20-%20Copy.php
- 16:48 I really don't know what to do with the background on this new site. No flat color looks right.
- 19:01 WIP Site: is.gd/dsoyN - I'm rather proud of the frame surrounding the news section. It stretches dyamically to fit the text!
- 19:04 Though the comments may look a bit cramped in it. Hmm...
- 20:44 Lit Brick - 2010-07-14 bit.ly/9CPMhl (This isn't a new comic, I'm just testing something.)
- 21:01 LB 074: I was hoping to give you a new site for this update, but twas not to be. litbrick.com
- 21:37 I officially can't stand to look at the current LB site when I compare it to this: litbrick.com/index%20-%20Copy.php
- 22:06 Scrubbo says the new site looks "hipper." I'd posit that Lit Brick is pretty much the exact opposite of "hip."
- 22:16 Alright, this site is, for all intents and purposes, DONE. Just need to modify the index into an archive template with comments.
- 22:27 I literally did a spit-take laughing at this. Clearly I need to go to bed. RT @Shortpacked @TheOnlyTrout And to add the orange.
- 22:38 Scrubbo is possibly the finest man I know. And that's not me being sarcastic. I'm totally serious. He is fucking awesome. WORSHIP HIM.
- 22:57 Okay, Scrubbo's decided that I'm Sokka from Avatar. He's less awesome now.
- 23:14 Okay, the new site is live, and it's awesome. Comments look a bit weird, though, and the extra pages (about, etc) need updating.
- 23:47 Alright, I finally have to sleep now. Enjoy the spiffy new site. Apologies for the skinny comments. I'll think on them tomorrow.
- 00:02 And now, as the clock ticks over past midnight, I figured out a nice way to handle the comments. But I'll have to do it tomorrow. #sleepnow
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