Sep 10, 2012 22:20
I know I've been there not here for a long time, but in that long time I've been actually writing!
Quitting my job seemed like it was the most horrible thing ever I could have possibly have done, but other than financially it was quite possibly the best thing I could have! I don't know if it was my job or my family, but cutting them both off completely has done wonders to my stress levels.
And have I mentioned I've been writing???
I have an erotica Angela Fiddler book in long hand I need to type up, I have a full length science fiction novel that I have to change the beginning (and my moustache twirling bag guy's motives) and and AND!!! I'm almost done an old school 2012 reboot highlander fic. It's over 20,000 words now, and it's still a couple scenes to go. So within this year, I've done an Angela Fiddler, a Barbara Geiger and a Barb G fic! All the parts of me have come out to play!
There have been other bad parts to this year, I almost lost a friend I cared about and lost a friend that it turned out I didn't, but life without the first would have been impossible and life without the second was like salting a leech that had been sucking on me for so long it was just felt like it was always supposed to be that way.
The first part of the Barb G fic will be up tomorrow, the second part on Friday. Watch this space!