I just got this from
Cake Wrecks on "
Towel Day"
"Knock knock."
"I do not understand."
"Just say 'who's there.'"
"But I already know your identity."
"Yes, but it's for the joke."
"This is a joke?"
"You better believe it, brother. OK, so Knock knock."
"This is illogical."
"Knock knock."
" ... "
"Knock knock."
"Very well. Who is there?"
"The Terran fruit or the pigment?"
"It doesn't matter. Either one."
"Then I choose Earth's pithy citrus."
"...You know what? NEVER MIND."
"I do not 'get it.'"
Now, go find your towel and enjoy a
Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster.