Last weekend was probably not wasted, but it felt like it was.
Friday I went out with
kruckegirl and the Filipino crew for Quick's Big Thing and then to see Fracas. I saw missscarlet briefly and got invited to try out for the bass player slot in Fracas while there. Good times.
Saturday though I finally collapsed. Too many days on almost no sleep caught up with me. I slept off and on for about 16 hours, felt sick and queasy all day, and mostly just laid in front of the TV. Sunday I felt weak, but better. I went to church and then back home again. When I got there I did some light cleaning and started measuring my house for flooring updates, but by four or so I was ready for another nap. Then I watched a couple of movies and went to sleep.
So the last 2 days I've felt fine, but I feel like I lost a lot of weekend.
The plane tickets and new floor are both big purchases, and a new windshield is a smaller one that I'll also have to do. Same with the ceiling damage in the kitchen caused by the A/C leak. That's a lot of outgoing money in a short time. But I'm not willing to delay any of it, so I probably need to look for ways to pick up some extra cash. Thus the overload on the DTM gigs is suddenly a lot more welcome.
That's all I have time to write right now...