It's been a while since I wrote. So I'm going to do quick hits, for the most part.
Thursday: Thank you
katjabee, and everyone else who came out (including BrickHaus, DancingJohn,
arcbat, my family, and most of
Don't Tell Mama) to yell for us. Full of Eels didn't win. We came in 2nd, I guess. The guy who booked us said that he liked us better than the winners, but the judges liked them more because they were closer to what's on the radio right now. So we should get some gigs from it, but we don't get to play anymore in the battle of the bands.
Oh, and on a sad note, Eric tendered his resignation. His last day will be August 3.
Friday: Breakfast with
mastershake_42, lunch with
kingwamba, dinner with Mom & Dad and the grandparents, and drinks with MusicalAsh comprised the day. I have to write up the MusicalAsh drinks story later. This is an all quick-hits thing, but that deserves its own post.
Saturday: I got the new Harry Potter and read 200 pages. That night I got to go out with a lot of GenX-M's, and MusicalAsh came along, as did Glaucus and JeffTaco. A decent day...
Sunday: Church, a light lunch with MusicalAsh, another light lunch with
itsjames2u and
jennyp5309, and then a trip to the movie theaters with DrAmy and LiberalRyan so we could see the Transformers. I'll write up a review of that too, but right now I'll say it was a solid C+. It should have been cut by at least an hour. The plot made no sense. The acting was barely passing. But the special effects and combat scenes were bad-ass. Oh, and I read another 300 pages of Harry Potter.
So that's me kind of catching up... but the weekend was good. There were lots of good friends and some nice developments that I'll talk more about later.