It's just not allowed!
No! He can't be dead. His voice is just way too sexy to be dead! NO! NOT ALLOWED!!!!
Anyways, aside from that...
Dean... so hot in scrubs and a t-shirt and still funny when so near death - 'Dude, I full-on Swayze-ed that mother'
Tessa... who the fuck is she I know I recognise her but it's not on IMDb and it's bugging the hell out of me! Oh wait... I just found out, she was in Saved By The Bell: The New Class!!! that is just not allowed :p
Sam... ok, he has wings but kinda hot... and the ouija board? so clever!
The Impala... it was dented on the wrong side - they need proper continuity people!
Daddy Winchester... NO! I refuse to accept! (the icon is for him)
I hate that fucker Kripke, but he did make me collapse in to giggles at one point which made me pause... 'Paging Dr Kripke.... Paging Dr Kripke' cos that was just too damn funny!
Anyway, going to sulk now :p