And I'm not being sarcastic for a change!!
Went in to town this morning to get some money out of my savings for holiday spending money. Came back, waited for Emmy to leave. Briefly met the new guy, he's shorter than I expected o.O
Then I tore myself away from the computer. First I cut up all the cardboard I had in the shed so I could put it out foe the recyclers, then I tidied the living room, talked to my mother for a bit and then....
.... I painted the bathroom o.O yup, eventually did it. it does need a second coat but i'll do that tomorrow or monday! i'm leaning more toward monday so I can do my hair tomorrow. I did take pictures, but they were shite so you're not going to see them. Although I did find the pictures from the weekend after my birthday when me, hev & hayleigh went to warrington. Strangely enough there are NONE of hayleigh! So here you are...
Me & Erica Hev & Erica Me & Hev, who looks very evil on this one :p The Trio - I think this was before the drinking This is where it started to go downhill o.O Yep, still going downhill as Erica & Hev dance to god-knows-what!! Me & Hev again, yes we're practically falling on top of each other o.O We attempted to play Atmosfear but it took so long to set up... ... that Hev fell asleep - she is sleeping not passed out!! honest!!! *mookies nose grows a mile long* Erica cries about the not playing of Atmosfear - ok, not really, i'm lying again :p The morning after! After eventually getting dressed, I played Blockbusters with the cheese nibbles :) The only word that can describe that weekend I'd forgotten about the cheese nibbles, it made me laugh again ;)