Hev thought it best to just carry on driving after she's started so they've left me all alone (well, except for emmy who is leaving me shortly!)
Had such a great time! The people were great too there were the 3 of us, Brad, Matt (Brad's friend who came to the Halloween one), Hayleigh & Rachel (H's sister). There weren't that many people who attended in total which we were suprised at but it meant a) more room & b) not as hot & sticky! I have also now got a new outlook on one of the movies which y'all will probably say 'umm, yeah? we knew that already!' but anyways, the list was as follows...
Dirty Dancing
Still one of my all time fave chick flicks! It suprised me that I still know all the dance moves, words & songs lyrics, well, it did up until I remembered how much I watched this when I was younger! (Power Nap Time : 0 mins)
Top Gun
Oh my god! I haven't watched this film in YEARS! and I was obviously still rather innocent the last time too as I never realised how homoerotic it is!! All the guys practically letch over each other at any given opportunity! I am now shocked :p (Power Nap Time : 15 mins)
Still a classic. Love Bill Murray & Dan Aykroyd as much as I ever did :) And the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man is just so cute when it's being evil!! :) Woo! (Power Nap Time : 0 mins)
*Mystery Film* - This Is Spinal Tap
Do like this film, always have. Don't think everyone got it though. Did get bored near the end of it though. (Power Nap Time : 15-30 mins)
The Breakfast Club
Judd Nelson on the big screen. 'Nuff said ;) quite ashamed that I did fall asleep for a bit, but it was in the bit I alwasy get bored with & end up going to make myself a drink in. Woke up for my favourite bit though - the dancing :) (Power Nap Time : 15 mins)
Love the movie although I don't think it was a good one to end on. Bit too dark especially as the majority of people were falling asleep by now. Including me, erica, hayleigh & rachel! (Power Nap Time : at least 1/2 of the movie)
It went from 9pm to 9am :) and we stayed all the way through :) there were also competitions & I won a mini rubik's cube!! I am so impressed with myself :) eventhough I didn't have to do anything to get it ;) Erica won something too but I'll let her tell you about it :) won't ruin the suprise :p
I'm quite tired. Just having a can of pepsi to perk me up but I'm scared of going to bed in case I can't sleep tonight & then feel like shit tomorrow :s Also, due to the amount of crap I have imbibed since friday night, I have had an outbreak of spots :( so i shall be plastering the make-up on with a trowel tomorrow before work!
Think I'm just gonna hang around here today, might read a bit later & just savour the quiet time that I'll have while emmy is out :)