Jan 16, 2010 23:50
Such a nice guy. Me and R went down there after leaving EBS. Right away I saw JC and went to shake his hand but,he got up and gave me a hug. We talked for a pretty long time about different stuff. Later I described to him what would be my dream bass. I asked him if he'd ever consider building a *insert my custom dream bass options here*. He said he was thinking of doing something similar next year but so far not exactly the same as *insert my dream bass options here*. Once we startd talking more details, and what type of player it might attract,he kept saying "you've really got me thinking about this. I like this. I might make it *this-my dream bass options* way instead". I could see him thinking and he just kept saying "yeah I should really do this" For the record, I did let him know I was not in a position to actually BUY one of these any time soon,(his basses typically run about $3000) but that *this* would be my dream bass. I told him how I never see any like this out there and the few I have seen are never quite right. We kept talking and by the end of our talk, he said he would probably start this bass very soon BEFORE next year and said "when I get it built,I should give you a call and have you come down to the shop and check it out." I told him "yeah I'd love that! And you can call it the K-- R----- Sig model!" Haha. I was joking but he said "no really!". How cool would that be!? I'd better get crack-a-lackin on getting some gigs huh?
The idea that my dream bass might actually come into existance is very exciting. The possibility that it would be made by such an amazing luthier who makes absolutely kick ass pro level basses, is even better. If I never get to play or own one, it would still be ultimately cool knowing I had some part in its coming to life. I'm VERY excited to see this beast come to life!!!! I will keep posting on this as news comes in.