(no subject)

Sep 25, 2005 11:48

Title: (without me)
Pairing: Faith/Tara
Rating: PG
Timeline: Takes place in the very brief period of time during Yesterday's Girl when Faith had woken up from her 10 month long coma, but before she and Buffy had their first confrontation.
Summary: The world spun for a moment. Life went on (without me), and Cordy was gone, replaced by a mousy girl that seemed to have nothing more to her than the way her eyes followed Willow and the way she seemed to hold on to the Witch’s every word. Faith wonders how to get to Buffy.
Notes: Written for cadence_k, who wanted UST, Faith having a hard time dealing with something, rain. I skipped out on the rain, because it's been raining here all week. *smile*
Also: I had a bitch of a time with the verb tenses on this. If you notice something off, can you point it out? I'm not sure if it works better with all the past-tense verbs or if it worked better when everything was more all over. Oh well. Please, do let me know.
Length: A very quick 541 words.

(B doesn’t know how good she’s got it.)

Faith’s eyes traced the path that B and her friends walked through the campus, trying to capture the essence that was Buffy without being overwhelmed by memories. She was disguised partly by the effects of the coma, and partly be the fact that the Scoobies (what a stupid name) weren’t expecting to see her at all.

They traveled in a group (can’t that girl function on her own at all?), B in the lead (of course), with Xander and Willow and…

(That’s not Cordelia.)

The world spun for a moment. Life went on (without me), and Cordy was gone, replaced by a mousy girl that seemed to have nothing more to her than the way her eyes followed Willow and the way she seemed to hold on to the Witch’s every word. Faith watched her carefully, wondering what her purpose was. Wondering how easy she would be to steal away from the Witch, from Queen B, from this happy Scoobie gang that doesn’t deserve to exist.

(B never knows how good she’s got it.)

Faith focused on this girl, and wondered how hard she’d be to steal away (from Willow) from the gang. (Witch deserves it, taking B away.) Seduction is easy, and this girl reads so queer it’s almost painful. Fixated on the Witch. Easy to distract. Give her a bit of passion and it will all go away (right?), and she can be just as easy as Xander was.

(I’m not the only traitor.) (I’m not a traitor.)

Sex is a very useful coin.

She suddenly pictured it all vividly. The quick seduction by a stranger. Nothing to work beyond, no prejudices, just a chance to get a bit of pleasure. Probably the Witch doesn’t know of the girl’s obvious crush, still focused on Xander or Oz or Giles or (B) someone else. Never could see the forest for the trees, that girl, and this girl, oh this girl, Faith could make happy.

At least long enough.

Something to give the girl some passion, something to capture her imagination, and with her, work out all the secrets of this gang of B’s. Work out where the weak point is, and take the perfect princess out. Make her pay for destroying (my life) Faith’s family. For killing the Mayor. For taking everything away.

Sex is power, different power than Princess B and the Witch can use. Faith kept staring at the girl, pictured her body spread out beneath her, pictured making her cry out, imagined the taste (of blood) of her skin. She was suddenly weak in the knees, and remembered that it’s been 10 months (of changes) (of life) (of death) since she’d been touched by anyone, and she wanted this girl, wanted to feel someone’s touch on her skin again. Even if it was (just) sex and nothing more (it can’t be more, it’s only sex).

She stared at the girl, memorized the lines of her body, her face.

(I’ll find you again.)

* * *

“Tara, honey, what you staring at?”

Tara suddenly jerked her attention away from the pale looking girl sitting on a bench not too far away. “Oh… n-n-n-othing, Willow. Just something that caught my attention.”

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