May 10, 2006 04:03
I've brought myself back to the point where I'm thinking entirely too much about everything, and everything is stressing me out way more than it should.
So I decided to go with Hitchings, Lizzy and Hamilla to Oneonta. I can kinda reset there. Clear my head. and beyond that I loves me some Natoli and Tschudy. and ever since I've made the decision that I'm going, I've already begun to feel better.
band thing's still truckin. We played a couple trainwreck shows, but such is life. We really need to practice more, because we're beginning to lack in the tightness department, but eh. Hopefully we don't let our laziness fuck us up in this one because it looks like we've found something that works. I've been really excited about my songwriting lately too. that's always good. Even though it's coming right after we've finished recording our album. I'm already excited for the next.
sometime in the past few weeks, a friend told me I think of, and put faith in people too unrealistically. and the impact of that night's conversation has rung with me since. I'd hate to think she's right, but it's very possible.
Something I found out happened a few months ago has completely shattered me and I'm not sure why. But maybe it's my first real indicator that I need to fucking grow up. That I need to take my head out of whatever fairy tale I've had where I have this big circle I'll always be able to rely on and nothing's going to change.
Or maybe I'm thinking too much lately. and that's why I'll go to Oneonta and reset.
I'm sure I'll read this tomorrow and wonder what the hell I was thinking writing in this at 4 in the morning.
Regardless of this all, there are certain people that I owe way more to than they'd ever even believe.