(no subject)

Mar 06, 2006 05:55

As sad and depressing as this weekend has been, today was fucking awesome spent with a good portion of the important people in my life. and we even ended up in Billy's fucking basement. Pic and Liam were even there. wow.

ended with me and hitchings talking for a few in my driveway. I believe that conversation ended with "we hang out with some really fucking good kids".

well, yeah.

Tomorrow (today) I feel like I'm going to be a wreck. which almost feels selfish to say, y'know? Like who am I to be sad tomorrow (today)? I dunno. Stupid stuff you think about when you stay up all night.

Dunno why I've stayed up. Just kinda did. Never felt like sleeping. I'm sure I'll regret it. I've just been thinking so much.

but the past 24 hours and the weekend in general won't soon be forgotten by me, I'm sure. I hope I handled them right. Life is fucking crazy sometimes.

I lost my cell phone, sorry I've been so hard to get a hold of.

the tattle tales begin recording our album on wednesday.

and honestly, does anyone like this "you're beautiful" song with the guy with the high voice? It sounds like one of those joke songs they make on old Mad TV sketches. really, it's fucking awful. good lord.

I think I'll take a shower.
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