Jul 09, 2004 13:49
man o' man... kris is confoosing the FUCK outa me... yes we are goin back out *uncertain face* and last night we were talking and he was like... im confoosed... and i was like obut wuht??> and he sed he was confoosed bout us and shit and i said wuhts so confoosing???> and he sed that he didnt know if we should be goin out cuz of wen i cheated on him in febuary and he sed he didnt know if i really liked him and i was like omfg!!!!!!! that was in febuary and i regret doin that!!! and i do like u and u fucking know it!!! i was like i kinda needa know if u wanna stay wiff me or not... he was like well if we broke up ud prolly find some1 right away... and i sed no i wouldnt no1 else likes me and i dont like no1 else!!! the only person i want is u!!!! and he was like u fucking know a lot of other ppl like u and i sed no1 else does(cuz from i know no1 does!) and then i was like well jus tell me now wuht u wanna do cuz i needa know wuht to do wiff me life im not waiting round 4eva for a stoopid answer from u and he sed he didnt know then he sed he wanted to stay wiff me and that he didnt wanna break up wiff me... i was like oooookkkkkkk... but then it got me thinkin maybe he dont like me as much as he sed he did if he was thinkin bout not bein together.... now i dont know wuht to do wiff him... caston told me i should jus see wuht happens tonight at sk8ing and go on from there... if we get into millions of fights then im jus gunna say screw it... cuz im sick of fighting wiff him... im sick of being hurt by him... im jus sick of everythin... its jus i like him too much to break up wiff him... but now i dont know... god damn... fucking men... well yah im gunna go...