Sep 02, 2005 09:06
Ugh, today needs to be OVER. I've only been here for 2 hours and already I'm bored out of my mind. Work sucks. BUT, I did count and I only have 10 full working days until school starts. AND let me tell you, I'm so excited for school to start because then I get to sleep in. How sad is that?
Anyways, I rearranged my schedule and I'm really excited for it, so here it is so you will be too:
Biology 121: Intro to Human Physiology
Russian 101: Beginning Russian
Russian 121: Spoken Russian
History 446: History of Soviet Intellectual Culture
Political Science 399: Politics of the Vietnam War
I'm really excited about my Vietnam war class, except there's 11 books, which A: that's more than a book a week and B: They're all really thick. SO, I'll be reading forever, but at least I know it will be interesting.
Anyways, I have my interview with the study abroad office today for Russia. I'm nervous because I don't know what kind of situational questions they're going to ask me. Ack.
Other than that, nothing new; Mike leaves on the 15th for Japan for the whole school year. LAME. But I'm really excited for him.'s a toss up. But I guess I'll be gone for like 2/3 of when he'll be gone, so we'll both be really busy.
Side rant: I am starting to HATE the girl that I work with. I swear to god she gets stupider every day that we're at work. I have a serious distaste for people who are my age, in college and living outside of their parents house, yet still have NO IDEA how the real world works. Her rent was due this week, but she ran out of checks. So, instead of ordering more when she was low, or right when she ran out, she waited until the last possible minute that her rent was due and then called her DAD to have HIM order more checks for her. HONESTLY. She's 20. And then she's going to get a parking permit today and you have to have verification of address and she has no idea where her copy of her lease is. STUPID. And then, she had to call her dad again to see if the registration to her car was in there. HONESTLY. I really want to slap her. I can't stand how naieve she is for being on her own for this long. Her roomates take care of all the bills for her, so she had no idea what bills were due at the end of the month. How can you not know when or what bills to pay. This isn't the 50's.
Lame. Back to work.