Aug 24, 2004 19:13
Name- Trisha Anne Ruffino
Nickname- Trish, Trishelle, Trishy, Tristy, Trispy, Trisp, Trish the fish
Eye Color- Brown... blue contatcs
Height- 5’2”
Hair- Black, Blonde, Brown... maybe a lil of red in there
Siblings- sister- Jaina.. brother- vinnie
Do you like to sing in the shower- yes
Do you like to sing on the toilet- sometimes
Birthday- 9/28/26
Sign- Libra
Address- no way man
Sex- female
Righty/Lefty- right
What do you want in a relationship- someone who CARES and is MATURE.. no more of this games bull shit
Ever cheated- kinda.. it doesnt count tho.. i was drunk and it was juss a kiss
Marital Status-single
Do you have a car- ypu bnut i dont drive it
What kind of car do you want- cougar
Fav Movie- A Walk To Remember, Bring It On, Lil Mermaid, Coyote Ugly, Finding Nemo and Fear
Fav song- Burn- Usher
Fav Band or Singer- Usher
Fav TV Show- i don't watch TV much but I would prolly say Newlyweds
Fav Actor- ?
Fav Actress-?
Fav Food- Chicken Fingers
Number- 13, 6, 27, 19
Cartoon- ?
Fav Disney Character- Mickey Mouse and Arial
Fav Color- Pink
Do you plan to have kids- yup
Do you want to get married- yes
How old do you want to be when you have your 1st kid- 25 or 26
How old do you want to be when you get married- 23 or 24
Would you have kids before you were married- accident happen.... HA
Do you have a bf/gf- nope
Do you have a crush- yes
Who is it- HA
Music/TV- music
guys/girls- girls
Green/Blue- green
Pink/Purple- pink
Summer/Winter- winter
Night/Day- night
Hanging out/ Chillin- both?
Dopey/funny- funny
Wierd saying you have- ?
Where do you go to school- ECC
Have you ever done drugs- yea
What is a major turn on for you- nice hands, nice body, smells good, dresses good... NICE!
How far would you go on a 1st date- prolly a kiss on the lips
Who is your best friend- i have a lot of them
Which 5 people are you the most open with and trust the most- kellie, pam, kristen, rachael, kelley
What do you think of soul mates-I have one his name is tom shiah
Do you think it is right to flirt with other girls/guys than you bf/gf? no but im a flirt so too bad...
What was the last thing you cried about- Lucy being put to sleep =(
What is something about guys you just don’t get- Why they can't express their emotions and why they're all such FAGGOTS!!!!!
What is the object you cant live without- cell phone
Love/trust- both
Silver/gold- silver
Sunset/sunrise- sunset bc i hate wakin up in the morning
Diamond/pearls- diamonds
Have you ever been skinny dipping- yep
Do you sleep with stuffed animals- yes 2 of them actually.. my Nemo Pam bought me and Rubin
Do you have any peircings- ears, belly button, nipple
What color undies do you have on right now- invisible??? yellow ones with a cherry on them
What song are you listening to right now- no song
What are the last 4 didgits of your phone #- 5436
Where do you want to go on your honeymoon- Italy and Aruba
Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with- meh...
What is the 1st thing you notice about the opposite sex- hands, eyes, smile
Fav sport- soccer
10 best friends- kellie kristen pam rach danielle jamie kelley stephanie katie... thats 8 but 8 is good enough
contacts/glasses- contacts
The best advice anyone ever gave you- don't trust anyone but yourslef
Special awards- nope
Future goals- open a hair salon called kiki's
What is the worst sickness you have ever had- mono
Funny or scary movies-funny...Both
On the phone or in person- in person
Hugs or kisses-both
What song reflect you the most- so many songs
If you died tomorrow who would you leave all of your stuff to- my sister
Do you have any enemies- no juss ppl that dont like me but i dont give a fuck so it doesnt make them enemies
What is your biggest fear- being alone
Rich/famous- rich
What time is it in Albania- cool...
If you had 24 hours to live who would you spent it with- My friends and family and... well... nvm...
Pets- =( R.I.P. Lucy.. we juss put her to sleep today... and kiki n cilla the puppies
When was the last time you were depressed- for me it should be when is the last time u werent depressed...
Are you an alcoholic- no