Jul 08, 2004 20:30
Wells`z i have a new jouRNaL. And a new awe`some friend. Lindsey your so`o awe`some. Thank`s for being there for`me today. And i`m glad we met. Thanks`z for the new journal. If you`re special and i ain`t in a fight or you asked to be out of mii`life, then you should know it. If not *jUsT aSk*. but yeah. Update this one`too. Just not ta`day. But yeah, bye`s.
SlOwiN dOwN, StArTing tO MiSs hEr. <....3 YeT nOt WaNtInG tOoOo.
x3 SlOwLy HeAlInG . KrIsItIn NiCoLe _____ (( fiLl iN dA bLaNk, Or PoSt A CoMmEnT on WhAt yOu ThiNk))