Sep 30, 2005 21:40
okay well my journal is like messed up cuz it won't let me add color :(
*26th* .MoNdAy. was like the total best day of my life thanx to colleen. lol. it was soo awesome! and so ya. but then my stupid ankle..
*27th* .TuEsDaY. uh well after practice i went to Elizabeth's house and we played basketball and stuff then we went over to see if tyler wanted to play us but he was at soccer and so we asked saketh but he ran away..then i had to go home for my cousin's birthday party.
*28th* .WeDnEsDaY. we had a basketball game at hart!! yay i saw chels!! omg she grew like 1 foot seriously she's actually tall now it's awesome!! but then the coach sat me cuz i was limping what a flipin idiot. then b4 she FINALLY put me in she made me run up and down the court!!!
*29th* .ThUrSdAy. had a soccer game against vardar and they broke my toe :( that really hurtt. and so i was like pissed that day but oh well.
*30th* .FrIdAy ((today)) had a test in first hour. got a 26/30. played a card game with Colleen, Jeff, and Sophie. that was sooo fun!! seriously!! OMG COLLEEN YOU ARE SOOOOOO FLIPIN LUCKY!!! I'M SOOOOO JEALOUS!!!