Yesterday was a fun day! Went over Krystals right after school and chilled there. We all thought American Idol was coming on but it WASN'T! I was so dissapointed!But things got better, I scheduled my roadtest for Febuary 7th(wish me luck guys!!!) and then sexy Keir came over. We all cuddled on Krystals bed and watched HONEY! YEAHH! I enjoyed that movie, very inspirational-like.Then me and Keir played NFL STREETS and at 8..we watched the sickest kind of entertainment ever made...Wrestling! Sick...nasty...disgusting! But of course Keir is in love with the SWEATY GUYS IN SPANDACKS THROWING CHAIRS AT EACHOTHER(No intelligence whatsoever)!Krystal was on the phone with her "rabbit" till me and Keir left.Then thats all that happened.Goodness, I still have feelings for him...but not serious feelings...its still like a school-girl crush but just with "extra toppings on the side". I dont know how I feel! All I know is that I think I'm giving up guys from Fitzgerald. It just never works out. And I dont enjoy the fact that your relationship is everyone elses business. If any of you fitz guys wanna proove me wrong...HOLLAR AT ME!
Today was a non-amusing day. Just a plain day. Except for the fact AMERICAN IDOL comes on today(lets hope I'm right this time). If any of you are wondering why I'm so siked about American Idol its because I love how people that suck think they are good when they are not and how they would even think about going on that show and embarassing themselves in front of America! Pitiful, what a joke! ha!
Tomorrow is Krystals band concert and I'm going to support her and the rest of the band like all of you should. Come on guys! I know the band isn't as great as theater but we have to support our school! Good luck band!