Hey people..... hmm im bored right now, Guess what im making right now juliana?!? Velvetta, lol and i made it over boil again. I dunno if i spelt that rite but oh well. Hmm well 2day was a pretty good day.
- 1st hour i just slept the whole time cuz we weren't doing a damn thing.
- 2nd hour just hung out with alyssa talkin about interesting stuff.
- 3rd hour we were watching these weird people doing improvise shit in drama.... they did sumthing about a porn scene, it was hillarious.
- 4th hour just talked to the people around me.
So yeah school was kinda pointless today..... but then i went home with heather on the bus and i chilled with her 4 the rest of the day. We went 2 the mall for a couple of hours then we came home and watched a movie. It was fun, we need 2 do it more often.