Jul 09, 2005 13:05
if anyone was to ever ask me my feelings on blueberries, i would say "Love 'em! in and out of pancakes!" i've always loved them, even when i had to pick them. i was also a fan of boo berry cereal, which now that i think about it was more pink than blue...still loved it though. but that was before today. something has happened to skew my love of blueberries forever. deep breath. *tries to keep it together*
BLUEBERRIES ARE AWFUL. no exclamation point needed. this is a fact. they taste like the ground. have they always tasted so repulsive? nope, i don't think so. but now...
yesterday, during my sprint through the grocery store i noticed that blueberries were available in large quantities. i had to have some. Mmm, i thought. Blueberries. i love blueberries. so i made my selection and skipped home. (and by skipped, i of course am referring to driving my car)
i had to go to work soon thereafter and actually, well gloated on having blueberries in my very own home. what's in residence in sonja's house? that's right, blueberries. i was bragging.
i come home, have a beer (woodchuck, green apple if you care...some would argue that's not a beer and i would argue why are we complaining about things that have alcohol in it? you say tomato, i say beer)and break open (ok, just open) my delectable blueberries. i have some, they are just ok, they taste somehow...dirty. and i had just washed them. so i turn on the light. i usually don't turn on a kitchen light, that is what the refridgerater light is for. you are all going to hate the rest of this story, i'm just saying.
there in the stark light of the kitchen sit my blueberries, that i had had such big hopes and dreams and well, plans for and they were...moldy.
gross, i know.
so i hate blueberries, well maybe not hate but they have certainly let me down. i have been disappointed by blueberries. i hope this never happens to you.
and if i could make one more suggestion?
don't get so hyped up about snacks. they will always fall short. i know cause i have a similar pizza story, that i just can't get into right now...