Nov 05, 2006 16:10
On Friday Nene and i went to the highschool to go watch Anything Goes. One of my art students was acting in it and another designed the set. It was good but the pit was too loud and overpowered the actors. Afterwards Nene and I went and ought ice cream and cookies at the store.
On Saturday Annie, Ryan, and I went to go visit Katie Hicks (O'Keeffe) and her husband Jon in Montrose. I haven't seen Katie since Jill Varvaris's 21st birthday in 2004 and they just moved to Montrose for his work. We hung out at their house for a while and then we went to lunch at a Mexican place and cought up. We then went to the Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park and drove around and looked at the views. It was the first time I have been there and it is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen.
After our drive we went to get ice cream at coldstone and Seth met us there. We then went and saw Flags of our Fathers. It was a really good movie but one you would only want to see once. After I said gooodbye to everyone, Seth and I went to his house. He copied some music from me and he gave me some movie. He also showed me the new addition to the house which they are working on. I didn't spend the night because his mom is so embarassed because the house is a mess because of it (Seths room is above the garage). Is was nice to hang out for a bit, its hard being in Gunnison after your best friends have moved away.
The good thing is that Katie, Jon, and Seth all might be able to come up for the big birthday party for Annie, Nene, our friend Alex and I in a few weeks.