More odds and ends

Jul 09, 2007 14:59

In conversation with Blue last night, I realized that there were a couple of foreshadowing things that I missed in my recent re-reads of the Harry Potter series. I'm going to have to go back and scan books 4 and 5 to see what else I might have missed. In the meantime, I'll be taking a week's break in my progress through the series.

I discovered the other day that the PF is making it difficult for me to do Arabic. I am not pleased. I have a follow up visit with the doctor on Wednesday. I'm not sure what they're going to say because my feet don't really feel like they're getting any better. :(

This morning I found out that my application did not go through for the job I applied for last Friday. Even more disheartening, my application did not go through for the better job that I thought I had applied for 3 weeks prior to that. In both cases, I got error messages throughout the web application process. In both cases I received an email after I went through everything saying that my online resume had been successfully submitted. However, in both cases I was not able to go in and look at what I'd submitted afterward. Friday I became suspicious, but I lacked the time to do anything about it. Today I called up HR (and sat on hold for a good 1/2 hour) and inquired about this, and was informed that my application materials did not go through. Fortunately, they allowed me to resubmit by email. I'm still sad that I most definitely will not be getting the B-school position. That one would have been perfect for me.

lovehonorlife and I saw the new Transformers movie Saturday. It was better than I expected. Of course, what I expected was for it to be absolute crap, so I wasn't exactly going in with Oscar-high standards.
What I liked: The Autobots were recognizable, especially Optimus Prime. Many of the original voice talents were used. There was actually a legitimate reason for Shia LeBouf's character to have first contact with the Autobots. There were some funny, quippy lines.
What I didn't like: The Decepticons were not recognizable - I couldn't tell one from the others. Frenzy - little sucker bugged the snot out of me. The camera was "too close" to the CGI fight scenes; you couldn't tell what was going on, who was winning or even who was fighting - I ended up feeling extremely nauseous at the end of the movie. Two kids were making out on top of Bumblebee at the end. That's just wrong. You do not make out on top of a sentient robot from another planet. Were I still a teacher, I would have made the script-writer copy the preceding 100 times. Maybe in his own blood. This may have had something to do with why I ended up so nauseous.

4th of July barbeque was fun. Thanks to Blue and Wolf for the Fire-works. I think I'm done with party hosting for while.

Harry Potter: OotP movie this Friday. Whee!

lovehonorlife's birthday is this Thursday. We will be going out to dinner somewhere. If you'd like to come along and wish him a Happy Birthday, you're more than welcome to. We haven't decided where exactly, but I'll let him post that when the decision is made.

I've been pondering lately on the nature of lost, specifically in relation to people and parts of themselves.

I've also been having a lot of dreams of places I know and people I don't. It's made me horribly homesick.
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