Take me as I am

May 24, 2005 13:34

Fabulous weekend. Ab fab. I could tell because on my drive home on Saturday I couldn't stop smiling even though traffic was kinda sucky. I even caught me singing to myself yesterday at work. That hasn't happened for a good long while.

So for those of you who care and those of you who don't, here's how it went down:

Hash and Rehash

That reminds me of a joke that I'm going to use restraint and not write out because it's really dumb.

Another White Dash
Got in Wed night about 11pm - right about when I said I would. Only got a little lost this time; I got off the highway one street too early. The only other exciting parts of my trip were just after I passed San Bernadino when my eyes suddenly and inexplicably dried out and I had to pull off the highway at the nearest exit because I couldn't see a darned thing. That was scary, and a little too exciting for my tastes. The truck on fire was scary too. Seriously, the vehicle was completely consumed. I just hope no one was still in it. I could feel the heat off that sucker from 4 lanes away. The police were just standing by watching it burn baby burn.

We Are the Champions
On Thurs, we went to see Star Wars. Al and I wore our hair in Leia buns. If I can I'll post a picture when I get them developed (in like, 5-7 months when I finish the roll). Sadly we had forgotten a deck of cards, so Al and I went scavenging for them. For lo, it is not waiting for Star Wars without a vicious game of Egyptian Rat Screw. I have spoken, so shall it be. ....um yeah, sorry, megalomania detour. So we head over to this mall where they had a chessboard on the floor with 2 ft chess pieces. (If I had any strategy at all in my game, I would've played.) And we head into a KB Toys. And staring at us out of the Star Wars toy section is a Chewbacca figure labelled "Wookie Rage". This is highly amusing because it's something Colin had been saying for the last I don't know how long. We all thought he made it up. Guess not. So we get the wookie and the cards and some water and return to wait in line. I won the first game. Go me. Joe, Mr. I-don't-remember-how-to-play-oh-wait-I'm-really-a-card-shark, won the second.

Rainbow Connection
We watched Star Wars in our kick-ass seats from being near the front of the line. It was a good audience, clapping and cheering at all the right points. Reminded me the tiniest bit of watching movies at the Michigan theatre. I miss that place. Al and I spent the rest of the day dissecting the movie, talking about the things we didn't like:
-George Lucas can't do timeline (one day Padme is 3 mos pregnant, 3 days later she's giving birth?)
-George Lucas sucks at writing dialogue ("I'm blinded by my love for you" "I love you more" "No, I love you more" - bleh. cheese of the mexican velveeta variety)
-Anakin's turn to the dark side was too sudden to be believable. (oh no, what did I do? Oh ok, you can be my evil master now.)
-the opening fighter sequence being wrong (it may be a galaxy far, far away, but the rules of physics still apply. there is no sound in space and ships do not suffer the effects of atmosphere in space.)
-too much hand chopping-offs
-how the last 2 scenes (Darth Vader on the bridge and Luke and Leia being handed off) would have worked better switched.
etc, etc on and on
At the end of the afternoon, she turned to me and said, "So, what did you think of it?"
"I really liked it. By far the best of the pre-quels."
"Yeah, me too."
I think Al summed it up best in a quote off her lj. "Anakin, I fell in love with you, and you broke my heart." Because I did. He wasn't whiny like the first movie or angsty like the second. He was Anakin all-growed up.
One thing I really love: they had to reshoot some of Ewan and Hayden's lightsaber scenes because they were making lightsaber noises with their mouths. It makes me want to go see it again just to see if any of it slipped past the editors.

American Idiot
I have confirmation now. I really have gotten dumber. We went to Joe and Morgan's place that night. Jeopardy was on. Now granted it was the tournament of champions and the questions are a little more difficult, but even on the ToC I can usually get at least a quarter of the questions. Not this time. Sad.

Little Things
I had something of a revelation Thurs. I realized that Wonderboy is the little brother I never really wanted. I love and adore him, but sometimes you really just gotta slug him to keep him honest. He had a date Friday night. We went over and hung out afterwards. I walk in. "What up, Casanova?"
Colin: "No! It's supposed to be Bossa Nova."
Al and I together: "Chevy Nova!" The fun, dumb things that friends do.

(song title subject headings have broken down)
I rediscovered my love of Mucha Lucha this weekend. It's this really silly cartoon about masked wrestling kids living in a masked world. Al says that Buena Girl reminds her of me. "________, honor, family, donuts!" Que buena. I think I need to start watching Saturday morning cartoons again.

All By Myself
I ended up watching the new Muppet movie by myself Fri night. Al was at work and Colin wanted to wait so that he could watch it with his wife. (Everybody together now: aawwwwww!) I watched it so that I could cut commercials, and cause I couldn't wait. I liked it - it's definately not the best Muppet movie, but I liked it. I did, however, miss Rowlf and Animal. It doesn't seem like a real Muppet movie without them.
My favorite parts:
- Pepe/Toto the Prawn - perfect amount of snark
- Queen Latifah - amazing how she can communicate "your world is about to end because I am going to murder you with my bare hands" with just a look
- the 4 faces of Miss Piggy (Tattie-poo! "Cuddles!" Roflmao!!)
- the 'flying monkeys' humming Wagner.
- Toto's "80's hair band coincidence" thing
- that the wizard was really the dad from "Arrested Development"
There were only a couple of things I didn't like:
- the hecklers on the bridge just weren't funny. that made me sad.
- I don't want to think about Gonzo's nipples. seriously.
- in a Muppet movie, NO character should be CGI. This is why we have the Jim Henson creature shop! Stupid wizard.

The First Cut is the Deepest
The only other thing I've got is that Jose called me 'beautiful' yesterday. First time he's ever done that. I nearly melted. MUST. NOT. FALL. AGAIN. Like Ariel, I want more. Like Belle, I want much more than this provincial life. I will not let myself fall no matter how charming he can be. Which is doubly hard to convince myself of when Jesus walks by humming the wedding march.

And to entertain anyone just passing through, here's how my brain works. It may seem a little contradictory, but I am "a little bit of everything all rolled into one." Beware. Or be aware. Or be alert because the world needs more lerts.

Your Dominant Thinking Style:

You are very insightful and tend to make decisions based on your insights.
You focus on how things should be - even if you haven't worked out the details.

An idealist, thinking of the future helps you guide your path.
You tend to give others long-term direction and momentum.Your Secondary Thinking Style:

Super logical and rational, you consider every fact available to you.
You don't make rash decisions and are rarely moved by emotion.

You prefer what's known and proven - to the new and untested.
You tend to ground those around you and add stability.

What's Your Thinking Style?
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