(no subject)

Jan 05, 2005 18:16

) Starting time: 6:20
2) A Dork Called: Michelle
3) Nicknames: Moe
4) Name Spelled Backwards: ellehcim
5) home town: Chatswoth
6) Grade: 7th
7) Breathin Since: Febuary 11 1992
8) Age: 12

10) Hair Color: blonde
11) Eyes: dark green
12) Height: ?
13) Siblings: sabrina(15) tina(26)
14) God Made Me a: girl

- - - - - - - - - Have You ever?- - - - - - - -

15) Been so drunk you blacked out: hahah No im 12 i havent ever drank alcohol
16) Missed school because it was a raining day: yea
18) Kept a secret from everyone:yes haha
19) Had an imaginary friend:no
21) Cried during a flick: umm no
22) Ever liked a teacher: NO!
23) Ever thought an animated character is hot: no
24) Ever prank called someone: yah
25) Been on stage: first commuion
26) Fought with your parents:no just get mad at them
27: Wished upon a star: no
28) Laughed until you cried: yes
29) Watched a sunrise/sunset:no
30) Went to a beach at night: idk
31) Been mean: haha yes
32) Been sarcastic: yes
33) Are you happy: yah
34) Are you talking to someone online: yah


35) Shampoo: herbal essences
36) Soap: caress
37) Colors: piink!
38) Day/Night: night
39) Kinda Music: rock
40) Fav. Soda: dr.pepper!!!!
41) Fav. drink: idk
42) Fav. Car: mustang
44) Fav, Radio Station: 106.7
45) Fav. Site?: ????
46) Fav. Subject in school: science
47) Least Fav. Subject in School: math
48) Fav. Sport: volley ball
49) Fav. Video Game: rugrats lol
50) Fav. Band: ?
51) Fav. Restaurant: mc donalds (fast food)
52) Fav. Movie: mean girls
53) Fav. Place: mall
54) Fav. Holiday: Christmas
55) Lace or Satin: ?
56) Fav. Place to Chill: ?
57) Fav. Ice Cream: rocky road
58) Fav. Cartoon Character: tommy
---------------Friends & Crushes-------------------

59) Have a bf/gf: Nope
60) Loved Anyone:no
61) Who's the Loudest: Charissa and Sabrina
62) Shyest: me
63) Nicest: Sabrina haha jk
64) Funniest: Sabrina and Charissa
65) Craziest: i dono
66) Who do you go to for advice: Charissa, Tina, Sabrina and i asked her to ask gunnar depending on the situation
67) Who do you cry with:??
68) Which friend lives the farthest from you: Elise
69) Talked to someone you have a crush on: yea
70) Missed someone: OF COURSE
71) Hugged someone you like: yah
72) Who do you like right now: someone im not saying
73) God/Devil: God
74) Love at first site: idk
75) The Big Bang Theory: idk
76) Heaven/hell: Heaven


77) Who named you: my mom & dad
78) When was the last time you showered: this morning
79) What is right next to you: a phone
80) What are the last 4 digits of your phone number: 4179
81) What is your computer desk made out of: idk
82) What was the last thing you ate: candy resse
83) Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with: how do i know im only 12
84) How many buddies do you have on your list:idk
85) Hows the weather right now: cold outside
86) What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten: ??
87) How do you eat oreo's: take a bite of the cookie like normal people eat food
88) Are you to shy to ask a girl/guy out: yah im not ask any guy out
90) What will your first son's name be: idk
91) What would your daughters name be: idk
92) Do you like scary or happy movies: not scary i get night mare with scary movies hahaha the movie i was so scared in was the dakness lol but it was scary at first but when it was over i realized how gay it was..
97) Bacon bits or Croutons: Croutons
98) How long can you hold your breath: like a minute
100) Disney World or Disney Land: disneyland
101) Do you do drugs: nope and i will never try drugs
102) Have you ever been skinny dipping: nope
103) Do you make fun of people:hahah yes
104) Have you ever been convicted of a crime: nope
105) One pillow or two: 2
106) Pets: 2 dogs
107) Piercings or Tattoo's: ears are pierced
108) What's your bedtime: whenever
109) Adidas, Nike, or Reebok: ewlll none
110) Most embarassing moment: i forgot
111) Do you attend church regularly: no
112) What do you look for in the oppisite sex: looks and idk personality
113) Fav. Quote: idk
114) Can you swim: yes
115) Do you like to swim: yes
116) Do you have an accent:no hahaha i cant imagine me with a accent
117) Do you have a job?: no im to young and who wants to work
118) Do you prefer pools or oceans: oceans
120) What's better boys or girls: duhh BOYS
121) Do you sing in the shower: haha yah right me sing haha that'll be the day
122) Who's the best looking person: not saying it the guy i like
123) The best way to die: idk
124) When do you want to die: when its my time too
125) Have you ever called a 900 number: no
126) Gold or Silver: silver
127) Would you ever go bungee jumping: no thats scary!! id like have a stroke for real
128) Would you rather be short, tall, or semi-tall: whats semi tall ???
129) Do you enjoy reading: hahaha yah right no!!
130) Which Winnie the Pooh character is your fav: pooh bear
131) What was the last movie you watched: Meet the Fockers lol it was the gayest movie!! lol
132) Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: no my blankie
134) What is your sign: aquarius
135) What are your personality traits: idk
136) what is your biggest fear: being alone in a house, roller coster rides the down fall omg that so fucking scary
137) What movie do you really wanna see: idk
138) Who is the least attractive person you know: idk
139) Optimist or Pessimist: what does that mean??
140) Would you ever have cosmetic surgery: idk
142) What do you think of people who drink: i donno it doesnt matter
143) People who do drugs: i dont think they should do it but its there life whatever
144) Better to cry or laugh: well if someone get mad at me cry if not laugh laugh laugh
145) Do you think men and women can ever be just friends: yea
146) Do you bite your nails: idk
147) What's your worst habit: ?
148) Did you ever cry over someone of the opposite sex: yea lol like a month ago
149) Who in your life is your biggest role model: sabrina and charissa and sabrina's friend for sure there so nice and cool lol
150) Who was your first crush: umm idk
153) your bestest best friend: jessica s.
154) Do you want your friends to do this and send it back: idc
155) How much time did u spend on this quiz: idk
156) What time is it now: 6:50

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