I know this hasn't been done in a while, but we need to make sure everyone's keeping up the once-a-month posting requirement in here. So, here's the list that covers March 30 - April 30. If you've got a character on this list and you know you've posted with them in this time somewhere, (journal/comment/log) please comment letting us know where.
Rose Tyler
sheisreturningSeras Victoria
seras_draculina posted
May 2ndLink
triforceblade posted
May 1stMidna
ladyof_twilight posted May 10th
Samus Aran
zero_suit posted
May 1stDorothy Catalonia
preventerwar posted
May 10thRelena Dorlan
relena_dorlan dropped
May 4thZayeed Winner
pacifist_father posted
May 2ndHeero Yuy
heerowing01 posted
May 2ndArtemis
shironeko_moon posted
May 2ndLuna
pearledadvisor posted
May 2ndSailor Venus/Aino Minako
child_of_luv posted
May 2ndMokkun
notamononoke dropped
May 5thAbe no Masahiro
failure_prophet dropped
May 5th Hisoka Kurosaki
empathiceyes posted
May 3rdByakko
white_ferocity posted
May 5thRikugo
senarystargazer posted
May 10th If you've got a character listed above, please respond to this with a link to the post if you're able to make one by May 15th. Thanks!