Character Application Form
Player Info
Player Name/Nickname: Your name
Timezone: Where are you located? GMT +/- #? Eastern? Pacific? Hawaii?
Personal LJ (if you have one): Your personal LJ, if you have one
AIM (if you have it): AIM SN if you are on AIM (this is recommended, as most of our members have it and use it to communicate)
Google Talk (if you have it): Google log in (usually the same as your GMail account, if you have one)
ICQ (if you have it): usually a string of numbers if you have one
imeem (if you have it):
MSN Messenger or Windows Live Messenger (if you have it): usually a Hotmail e-mail address or an MSN e-mail address if you have it, can also sometimes be linked to other e-mail addresses
Yahoo! Messenger (if you have it):
E-mail: e-mail [at] domainname [dot] com (we use this format to foil spambots so you don't end up getting more spam)
Roleplaying experience (how long? what kinds?):
Character Info
Character Name: Your character's name
Fandom: What are they from?
Character Gender:
Character Age:
Character Birthdate (if known): If the character's birthdate isn't known in canon, but you'd like them to have one, please let us know what date you picked and that you picked it.
Appearance: Describe what your character looks like. Not everyone (even mods) may be familiar with him or her.
Personality: Give us an idea of what your character is like.
Powers (if any): Mutants, witches, wizards, etc... if your character has special powers and abilities, list them here.
Abilities: Unlike powers, abilities are things a character can do without any special enhancements... things they learned or were trained in. For example, is your character a sharpshooter? Master hacker? Dancer?
Weaknesses (if any): Does your character have an allergy? Is he a womanizer and can't control himself?
Background: A history of your character's life up to this point. This gives other players an idea of when in your fandom your character is from. They can be from a different point in the timeline than another character from the same fandom if desired.
Story on how your character ended up on the island: What happened that your character ended up here?
Sample ROLEPLAYING POST (meaning third-person novel style, must be at least 150 words so we can get an idea of your writing style and ability): A good place to start, if you're having trouble deciding, is to write a short backstory on what was going on when your character found themselves on the island. None of us are perfect on spelling, punctuation, and grammar, but do your best on it and use a spellchecker if you're not sure.
Extra Info (questions, comments, etc): Anything else you feel we should know about either you or your character. Any questions you might have about the game or your character's potential involvement.
Copy the code for this form from the textbox below:
Player InfoPlayer Name/Nickname:
Personal LJ (if you have one):
AIM (if you have it):
Google Talk (if you have it):
ICQ (if you have it):
imeem (if you have it):
MSN or Windows Live Messenger (if you have it):
Yahoo! Messenger (if you have it):
Roleplaying experience (how long? what kinds?):
Character InfoCharacter Name:
Character Gender:
Character Age:
Character Birthdate (if known):
Powers (if any):
Weaknesses (if any):
Story on how your character ended up on the island:
Sample ROLEPLAYING POST (meaning third-person novel style, must be at least 150 words so we can get an idea of your writing style and ability):
Extra Info (questions, comments, etc):
If the application goes over the comment character limit, we recommend splitting the application into more than one comment by replying to the previous one. Try to keep the application in a single thread so it doesn't get separated.
If you don't have a character application ready, you can post here to request a character to be reserved for you. The character will be held for two weeks, and then released to other players if you don't submit an application by that time. If you need an extension, please reply to your original reservation request asking for the extension before the first two weeks has expired. You are allowed one additional extension for two weeks.
If someone has a character from a certain point in a storyline, that character CANNOT be applied for again from another point in that timeline. For instance, you cannot have Ed Elric from the series and Ed Elric from the movie. You can, however, app for a character that exists in two universes. For example, if someone has Sakura from Cardcaptor Sakura, you can app for Sakura from Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle.
If one of the mods does not get back to you about your application in a week, please reply to your application to give us a nudge. We'll do our best to get back to you quickly!
Last updated: February 9, 2009