Jan 03, 2010 19:43
My sweet, little kitty has become quite a wild little thing with a mind of her own. Today she jumped up after I told her, "No!" a couple of times and broke off 3 baby spiders from my spider plant. She is knocking books off the bookshelves she has just discovered. She zips around the house like a wild maniac sometimes, up and down the stairs and all around. This morning, while running around, she ran over to me and touched me with both paws and ran. I think she wanted to play tag so I ran and touched her back. Later today, she knocked a plant over onto the floor in Emily's room. She sometimes looks at me with that look in her face of just show me the line, and I'll cross it. She's playful and fun, but she definitely has a mind of her own. She's prob starting to think her name is "Kitty, Get Down!!! because I say it so much.
Then other times she curls up into a ball and sleeps soundly for a couple of hours...and purrs loudly. She likes to sleep in the rocking chair and on top of the piano. Yeah, she's a sweet, little kitty...... when she's asleep.