Jan 10, 2006 21:31
ok so i now have time (sorta) to update this thing. just got back from the fire drill and the stupid alarm is still going. *sigh* most annoying thing EVER!!! oh hey it stopped. wow. ok. well i'll continue... good time to take a break from homework/studying. the fire alarm does not even sound like a fire alarm, and when it went off i was just like, "wtf. who is making all of that noise?!?" then my roommate told me it was the fire alarm. seriously, if it was a real fire and i was all alone, i'd be screwed. haha. o well. the ra didn't even come to get us. hmm...
it was really really really cold out. and i was bored out of my mind. what worried me at first was the smell of burnt pop corn on the way out of the building... hmmmm... o well. brings to mind the time the fire alarm went off at the retirement home across the street from bishop... good times.
today was cheesecake factory day at the commons for lunch. good stuff, but i got there late and had to wait in line for like, forever. supposed to eat w/ mary i think, but didn't find her. impossible to find a table, amazingly every single table was taken, even the ones on the patio which are always empty. but i got the chocolate cheesecake, which was awesome.
dinner was... umm, well... let's say "interesting." allison is pregnant, but i can't say where. i will go no further. haha. but part of our discussion did have to do with the student health center. i should go in for my sore throat. i PROMISE you, they'll diagnose me with mono. they diagnose everyone there with mono or a std. you have a sore throat: mono. cut in your mouth: oral herpes. pretty much if you come in with an ear infection, you're pregnant. haha. but no. the first two have actually happened. crazy stuff.
i have like no time anymore. i have a magazine that was waiting for me on my desk since january 2. i have yet to open it. my mfe126 class is supposed to have 9 hours of homework outside of class per week. and at this point, it seems like that could very well be true. i spent probably 4 hours on it today, i still have more to go. spent maybe 1 or 2 hours on it earlier this week. luckily it looks like my other classes won't have nearly that much work to do. ige121 is pretty easy, same as last quarter. chm122 is the same as last quarter (same professor). me232 doesn't seem too bad, for right now anyway, just computer programming in excel. mat115 doesn't have nearly as much homework as last quarter. chm122 lab... i don't know. looks like the professor doesn't give a shit about us. haha.
and i already have to begin the priority registration process. aaaaaahhhhhhhhh! we just started this quarter!! haha. so looks like i'll have to go searching for my advisor... i think i'm gonna do 16 units next quarter. i have 18 now, and it is a lot. but i worked it out so that i'll never have to take 18 units again! yippee!
...looks like my bookshelf exploded onto my bed. haha... too much stuff to do. but it's all good. the weekend is coming up!
oh yeah, and i got plans for my bday. so far looks like maybe only one person can come... allison. o well. it'll be a crazy party nonetheless... or maybe not. haha. ohh well.
well i'm off to hit the books... literally.